صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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4988 Ambassador W. H. Page to Oct. 11 Encloses copy of a note

the Secretary of State.

from British Foreign Of-
fice dated Oct. 10, stating
if the rules cited in Order
in Council are not deemed
by the United States Gov-
ernment to be in accord-
ance with international
law, they should be chal-
lenged in the Prize Court.

4502 The Secretary of State to Nov. 24 Instructs him to address to

Ambassador W. H. Page.

British Foreign Office note
to the effect that without
admitting that even in-
dividual rights when clear-
ly violated by Orders in
Council must be main-
tained by resort to local
tribunals, this Govern-






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Ambassador Gerard to the Aug. 7 Reports he is informed by

Secretary of State (tele-

German Foreign Office
that German ports are
strewn with mines and it
is requested that warning
be given shippers against
navigating in ports which
foreign forces might use
as bases.

Memorandum from the Aug. 11 Communicates telegram he
British Embassy.

received from his Government informing him that the Germans had indiscriminately mined the North Sea and that in selfdefense the British Admiralty will adopt measures that will make navigation even more perilous.

Memorandum to the Brit- Aug. 13 The Department, replying to
ish Embassy.

the British memorandum,
states that the reportea
act of Germany is in dis-
regard of article 1 of
The Hague Convention,
and sees no reason why,
as a defensive measure,
Great Britain should adopt
a similar course.

Memorandum from the Aug. 14 Communicates telegram from
British Embassy.
the British Government in

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Maritime Danger Zones and Mine Areas Continued.


From and to whom.

British Embassy.

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Memorandum from the Aug. 19 Points out that if Great Brit-
ain refrains from adopt-
ing the methods of Ger-
many in mining North
Sea, the result is that
Germany receives impu-
nity unless the neutral
Powers can find some
means of making Germany
feel that she can not con-
tinue to receive trade and
supplies through neutral

Memorandum from the Aug. 23 Quotes telegram from Brit
British Embassy.

ish Foreign Office warning
against German mines in
the North Sea and stat-
ing that the British Ad-
miralty have not so far
laid any mines during the
present war.

Memorandum from the Aug. 30 Quotes text of telegram
British Embassy.

from Sir E. Grey stating
that an Iceland trawler
was reported to have
struck a mine 25 miles off
the Tyne and sunk, and
stating that no British
mines have been laid.

The German Ambassador Sept. 10 States no German port
to the Secretary of State.

is blockaded and nothing stands in the way of neutral states' sea trade with Germany. Denies British reports that North Sea has been infested with mines by Germany.






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area in North Sea.


Memorandum from the Oct. 2 Notification of British mine
British Embassy.

704 Ambassador Herrick to the Oct. 9 Incloses copy in translation,
Secretary of State.

together with its inclo-
sure, of a note from the
Minister for Foreign Af-
fairs, giving the text of
notice relative to the use
of submarine mines in the
Adriatic Sea.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Oct. 28 States that a German mine
the Secretary of State

field has been discovered
off the north coast of Ire-
land and the British Ad-
miralty warns shipping
not to pass within 60
miles of Tory Island.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Nov. 2 Reports Sir Edward Grey

the Secretary of State



informs him mine fields
north of Ireland were laid
by Germans.


375 The British Ambassador to Nov. 3 Incloses copy of a telegram the Secretary of State.

received from the British
Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs in which
notice is given that the
whole of the North Sea
must be considered a mili-
tary area.

Ambassador Marye to the Nov. 5 Reports official notification
by Russian Government
of mined zone.

Secretary of State (tele-

261 Ambassador Gerard to the Nov. 13 Incloses German reply to the

Secretary of State.

British protest against the
laying of German mines.



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