صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Suggestions Made by President Wilson, and Replies-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

1208 Minister Price to the Sec- Dec. 26 Transmits note from the


retary of State.

Secretary of Foreign Af-
fairs of Panama replying
to President Wilson's note
of Dec. 18, 1916.

Memorandum from the Le- Dec. 27 Text of Note of Swiss Fed-
gation of Switzerland.

eral Council, addressed to
all belligerents support-
ing President Wilson's
peace suggestions.

156 Minister Morris to the Dec. 29 Quotes text of Swedish Gov

Secretary of State (telegram).

ernment's note addressed
to belligerent nations ex-
pressing sympathy with
President Wilson's peace

Memorandum from the Le- Dec. 30 Text of note delivered by
gation of Sweden.

His Swedish Majesty's
Government to the Gov-
ernments of belligerent
nations commending Pres-
ident Wilson's peace sug-

529 Chargé Wilson to the Sec- Dec. 301 Incloses copy of Spanish
retary of State.
note in reply to the cir-
cular note of the Presi-
dent to belligerent and
neutral powers, suggest-
ing that all nations now
at war should declare
their respective views
upon what terms present
war might be ended.

Consul General Murphy to Dec. 30 Quotes Bulgarian reply to
the Secretary of State






American note to belligerents of Dec. 18, 1916

1 Received.

Suggestions Made by President Wilson, and Replies-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

858 Chargé Benson to the Sec- Jan. 8 Quotes note of Jan. 6, from 302 retary of State.

Brazilian Minister for

Foreign Affairs replying
to President Wilson's

peace suggestions.

Minister Reinsch to the Jan. 9 Quotes Chinese reply to


Secretary of State (tele


American note to bellig-
gerents of Dec. 18, 1916.

Ambassador Sharp to the Jan. 10 Quotes Belgian reply to


Secretary of State (tele

American note to bellig


gerents of Dec. 18, 1916.

1806 Ambassador Sharp to the Jan. 10 Allied Government's reply


Secretary of State (tele

to American note to bel


ligerents of Dec. 18, 1916.

Minister Jeffery to the Jan. 12 Reports receipt of a com


Secretary of State (tele-

munication from Uru-
guayan Minister for For-
eign Affairs expressing
sympathy with all ques-
tions that will tend to
terminate present war.


to peace suggestions of
President Wilson.

Memorandum from British Jan. 13 British supplemental reply

64 The Chargé of Greece to Jan. 15 Transmits Greece's reply to the Secretary of State.

the President's sugges-
tions of Dec. 18, 1916.

390 Minister Ewing to the Sec- Jan. 19 Submits translation of Honretary of State.

duran Government's reply
to President Wilson's note
of Dec. 18, 1916.

Minister Caldwell to the Jan. 19 Transmits at request of Per-
Secretary of State (tele-

sian Minister for Foreign
Affairs the more impor-
tant portion of the reply
to the peace suggestions
of President Wilson.

Minister McMillin to the Jan. 20 Incloses copy of Peruvian
Secretary of State.

Government's reply to
President Wilson's note of
Dec. 18, 1916.





[blocks in formation]

Proposals of the De Facto Government of Mexico for Terminating the European War.

Mr. Ramón P. De Negri to Feb. 12 Transcribes note from Min- 324 the Secretary of State.

ister of Foreign Rela-
tions proposing means for
restoring peace.

The Secretary of State to Mar. 16 Replies to communication of 326
Mr. Ramón P. De Negri.

Feb. 12, 1917.

[blocks in formation]

2307 The Secretary of State to Feb. 3 Refers to previous correthe German Ambassador.

spondence between the two Governments relating to submarine warfare and announces that all diplomatic relations between the United States and the German Empire are severed.


[blocks in formation]

The Secretary of State Feb. 3 Instructs him to deliver a
to Ambassador Penfield

copy of following address
of President Wilson to
Congress on Feb. 3, 1917,
to the Foreign Minister
and distribute it to the

The Minister of Switzer- Feb. 10 Transmits German Propos

land in charge of Ger

man interests in Amer



als relating to the Treaty

of 1799.

ica to the Secretary of

Statement given to the Feb. 12 American refusal to discuss

press, Feb. 12, 1917.


[blocks in formation]


Statement given to the Mar. 12 In view of Germany's an


nouncement of Jan. 31,
the Government of the
United States has deter-
mined to place an armed
guard upon all American
merchant vessels sailing
through the barred areas.

416 The Secretary of State to Mar. 20 States the Government of

the Minister of Switzer-
land in charge of German
interests in America.


the United States does not
favor the proposed agree-
ment to alter or supple-
ment the meaning of Arti-
cle 23 of the Treaty of



The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 30 Forwards communication of

land to the Secretary of


the German Government challenging the assertion in the American note of Mar. 20 that Germany has violated the treaties of 1785, 1799, and 1828.

[blocks in formation]


Circular telegram to all Apr. 2 Informs them of President
the missions.


Wilson's address to special
session of Congress, Apr.
2, 1917, and quotes Joint
Resolution declaring the
existence of a state of war
between the Imperial Ger-
man Government and the
United States.

Severance of Diplomatic Relations between the United States and


Ambassador Penfield to the Feb. 1 Quotes note of Jan. 31 358

Secretary of State (telegram).

from the Austro-Hunga-
rian Minister for Foreign
Affairs announcing his
Government's intention of
extending submarine war-

The Secretary of State Feb. 14 Instructs him to inquire of

to Ambassador Penfield

Austro-Hungarian Govern-
ment as to the modifica-
tion of that Government's
pledge given in the An-

cona case.


Ambassador Penfield to the Mar. 2 Quotes aide memoire handed 363

Secretary of State (tele-

him by Austro-Hungarian
Government in reply to
American inquiry as to the
modification of Austria-
Hungary's pledge given in
the Ancona case.


Chargé Grew to the Sec- Apr. 8 Severance of diplomatic re

retary of State (telegram).

lations between the United States and Austria-Hungary.

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