Suggestions Made by President Wilson, and Replies-Continued. 1208 Minister Price to the Sec- Dec. 26 Transmits note from the 296 retary of State. Secretary of Foreign Af- Memorandum from the Le- Dec. 27 Text of Note of Swiss Fed- eral Council, addressed to 156 Minister Morris to the Dec. 29 Quotes text of Swedish Gov Secretary of State (telegram). ernment's note addressed Memorandum from the Le- Dec. 30 Text of note delivered by His Swedish Majesty's 529 Chargé Wilson to the Sec- Dec. 301 Incloses copy of Spanish Consul General Murphy to Dec. 30 Quotes Bulgarian reply to 298 299 299 300 301 American note to belligerents of Dec. 18, 1916 1 Received. Suggestions Made by President Wilson, and Replies-Continued. 858 Chargé Benson to the Sec- Jan. 8 Quotes note of Jan. 6, from 302 retary of State. Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs replying peace suggestions. Minister Reinsch to the Jan. 9 Quotes Chinese reply to 303 Secretary of State (tele gram). American note to bellig- Ambassador Sharp to the Jan. 10 Quotes Belgian reply to 304 Secretary of State (tele American note to bellig gram). gerents of Dec. 18, 1916. 1806 Ambassador Sharp to the Jan. 10 Allied Government's reply 305 Secretary of State (tele to American note to bel gram). ligerents of Dec. 18, 1916. Minister Jeffery to the Jan. 12 Reports receipt of a com 308 Secretary of State (tele- munication from Uru- 308 to peace suggestions of Memorandum from British Jan. 13 British supplemental reply 64 The Chargé of Greece to Jan. 15 Transmits Greece's reply to the Secretary of State. the President's sugges- 390 Minister Ewing to the Sec- Jan. 19 Submits translation of Honretary of State. duran Government's reply Minister Caldwell to the Jan. 19 Transmits at request of Per- sian Minister for Foreign Minister McMillin to the Jan. 20 Incloses copy of Peruvian Government's reply to 312 314 315 316 Proposals of the De Facto Government of Mexico for Terminating the European War. Mr. Ramón P. De Negri to Feb. 12 Transcribes note from Min- 324 the Secretary of State. ister of Foreign Rela- The Secretary of State to Mar. 16 Replies to communication of 326 Feb. 12, 1917. 2307 The Secretary of State to Feb. 3 Refers to previous correthe German Ambassador. spondence between the two Governments relating to submarine warfare and announces that all diplomatic relations between the United States and the German Empire are severed. 335 The Secretary of State Feb. 3 Instructs him to deliver a copy of following address The Minister of Switzer- Feb. 10 Transmits German Propos land in charge of Ger man interests in Amer 338 341 als relating to the Treaty of 1799. ica to the Secretary of Statement given to the Feb. 12 American refusal to discuss press, Feb. 12, 1917. 343 344 Statement given to the Mar. 12 In view of Germany's an press. nouncement of Jan. 31, 416 The Secretary of State to Mar. 20 States the Government of the Minister of Switzer- 345 the United States does not 1799. 347 The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 30 Forwards communication of land to the Secretary of State. the German Government challenging the assertion in the American note of Mar. 20 that Germany has violated the treaties of 1785, 1799, and 1828. 349 Circular telegram to all Apr. 2 Informs them of President PART XVI Wilson's address to special Severance of Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Austria-Hungary. Ambassador Penfield to the Feb. 1 Quotes note of Jan. 31 358 Secretary of State (telegram). from the Austro-Hunga- The Secretary of State Feb. 14 Instructs him to inquire of to Ambassador Penfield Austro-Hungarian Govern- cona case. 361 Ambassador Penfield to the Mar. 2 Quotes aide memoire handed 363 Secretary of State (tele- him by Austro-Hungarian 371 Chargé Grew to the Sec- Apr. 8 Severance of diplomatic re retary of State (telegram). lations between the United States and Austria-Hungary. |