صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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271 Ambassador Gerard to the Nov. 17 Transmits copy in transla

Secretary of State.

tion of a communication
received from Imperial
Foreign Office, Nov. 14,
1914, relative to regula-
tions for navigation in
the German Bay of the
North Sea.

The Secretary of State to Dec. 8 States that a copy of reply
Ambassador Gerard.

of German Government to
protest of British Gov
ernment against the lay-
ing of German mines has
been forwarded to Amer-
ican Ambassador at Lon-
don for transmission to
British Foreign Office.

Consul General Skinner to Dec. 11 Incloses copy of a circular
the Secretary of State.






received from British Ad-
miralty regarding the
navigation of the North
Sea and English Channel.

J. No. The German Ambassador Feb. 6 Transmits warning that Ger-
to the Secretary of State.


many will resist the ship-
ment of forces and imple-
ments by Great Britain
to France with every war
means at its command.

Consul General Skinner to Feb. 27 Mariners warned navigation


the Secretary of State

Secretary of State.

entirely forbidden to all
ships of described area in
Irish Channel.


615 Ambassador Gerard to the Mar. 2 Incloses copy in translation

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Consul General Skinner to May 17 States Admiralty cancels no

the Secretary of State

tice on navigation North
Sea dated Nov. 30, 1914.
Masters strongly urged to
obtain latest notices be-
fore sailing from British
ports. Gives principal
mined areas as far as

Consul General Skinner to May 19 Incloses copy of British Ad-
the Secretary of State.

miralty notice relating to
navigation in the North
Sea and British home wa-

The Secretary of State to May 20 States the Department does
Ambassador W. H. Page




not fully understand the
intention and effect un-
derlying the regulations
of Admiralty in cancel-
ing notice on navigation
in North Sea of Nov. 30,
1914, cabled by Skinner
May 17. Instructs Mr.

Page to make report on


Ambassador W. H. Page to June 5 Transmits reply of British


the Secretary of State

Foreign Office to inquiry
of Ambassador Page as to
Admiralty announcement
canceling notice on navi-
gation in North Sea of

Nov. 30, 1914.

1721 The Secretary of State ad June 16 States that the Depart


interim to Ambassador W. H. Page (telegram).

ment's inquiry is not fully answered by the note of British Foreign Office, and

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Consul General Skinner to June 23 Informs Department of no


tice to mariners issued by
British Admiralty.


2517 Ambassador W. H. Page to July 23 Quotes note from Foreign

the Secretary of State

the Secretary of State

Office, July 22, which
states that neutral mer-
chant vessels must apply
through their diplomatic
representative for special
directions of the Admiral-
ty as to the north-about

1908 The Secretary of State to July 26 States Department under

Ambassador W. H. Page

stands requirement in Ad-
miralty notice of May 15
that neutral vessels bound
to North Sea by north-
about route must obtain
from Admiralty special
directions, applies only to
vessels sailing from Brit-
ish ports and not from
American or neutral ports.
Report whether this un-
derstanding is correct.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Aug. 17 Quotes note from Sir E.



the Secretary of State

Grey relating to neutral
vessels passing north-about
from one neutral port to

Consul General Skinner to Sept. 3 Reports Admiralty Order
the Secretary of State


Ambassador W. H. Page to May 2 Quotes circular note from


764 regarding navigation
in Straits of Dover be-
tween Varne Shoal and


the Secretary of State


Foreign Office, May 1, 1916, announcing extension of British mine field off Belgian coast.

[blocks in formation]

Ambassador W. H. Page to May 29 States Foreign Office in


the Secretary of State

formed him May 27 that
eastern limit of danger
area of British mine field
off Belgian coast should
be defined as the meridian
of 3° 18' east instead of
3° 20' east as previously


193 The British Ambassador to July 1 Transmits copy of an Adthe Secretary of State.


Ambassador W. H. Page to Jan. 25

miralty notice to mari-
ners, relative to certain
mined areas in North

British notification of mine
area in the North Sea.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Feb. 15 British revised notification

the Secretary of State


the Secretary of State





of dangerous area in the
North Sea.

1485 The Secretary of State to Feb. 19 States that the Government the British Ambassador.

of the United States, for
the protection of Ameri-
can interests, reserves gen-
erally all of its rights in
the question of appropri-
ating certain portions of
the high seas for military
operations, to the exclu-
sion of the use of the
hostile area as a common
highway of commerce.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Mar. 23 British notification of dan



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land in charge of Ger

the German Government

man interests in Amer

ica, to the Secretary of State.

gave notice of an extension of the submarine blockade to the waters of

the Arctic Ocean.

[blocks in formation]

Minister Egan to the Sec- Apr. 8 Quotes German warning to

retary of State (telegram).


mariners published by

Foreign Office Aug. 8,


Consul General Skinner to Apr. 27 Reports notice issued by

the Secretary of State

British Admiralty extend-
ing dangerous area in the
North Sea.


Restraints on Commerce


5021 Ambassador W. H. Page to Oct. 12 Transmits copy of a note re


the Secretary of State.


ceived from British For-
eign Office concerning the
Trading with the Enemy

3475 Consul General Skinner to Jan. 17 Transmits text of British


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