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Suggestions for the Use of This Pamphlet

The conception of discussion that underlies the plan of this study is set forth in another small pamphlet of this series—one on "A Co-operative Technique for Conflict." It views a matter of contentious dispute such as a labor controversynot as a two-sided debate, to end with winners and losers, but as a social problem, to be analyzed by an all-around examination of the interests that are at stake, and to end with a solution that gives each valid interest its due.

There is no arbitrary limit to the number of persons that may profitably compose a group so engaged. Where the number rises much over twenty, however, the meeting tends to take on the public character of a forum rather than the faceto-face character of a "group." The important thing is that each of the conflicting interests under discussion should have a responsible spokesman. Outside speakers should be used only where they bring into the discussion expert knowledge that supplements the experience voiced by members of the group. These latter should be people who expect to learn something from one another's differences and who want to think together. A very satisfactory sort of group would be composed of ten to fifteen persons, including employers, workers, and professional people. The workers' representation should include at least one good trade union official.

The group should have weekly meetings of an hour and a half each. It is well not to plan for too many meetings. Eight meetings that end with everybody interested are better than twenty-eight that have begun to wear out their welcome. In using the present pamphlet and other pamphlets do not try to force the pace. Give each question its due and let the measure of its due be the profitableness of the thinking and speaking that it draws out. The questions are not divided into topical sections which impose prearranged stopping-points but they



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