صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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vrier vnd yearly amount of original amlications and for increase of antenna States and Territories for the year ending June 30, 1:72.

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G.-Statement of the number and yearly amount of Navy pensions on the rolls of the several States and Territories on the 30th day of June, 1872.

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H.-Statement of the amount of funds in the hands of agents for paying Navy pensions on

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I.-Statement of the number of pensioners on the rolls, who served in the Army, Navy, and on board of privateers, with the amount which has been paid in each year in the several States and Territories, including the sums paid at the Treasury Department for unclaimed pensions, for special-act pensions, and for revolutionary claims of Virginia under the act of July 5, 1832.

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Includes arrears from 1789.

85,417 32

1, 444


87,816 96

73,643 42
105, 165-92
100, 629-77

10906 13
96,764 ×1
66.30- 19
75,164 78



The few Army widows pensioned prior to 1816 are included with the invalids.

70, 317 76 Commencement of payments to Navy invalids and widows. These will be found included with "invalids" until 1843.


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*9,975-06 **7×6 66

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87,965-90 75 9x 96 9,035 02

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Commencement of payments to privateer invalids, and to widows of same. The "privateer_fund" was exhausted in 1838, and pensions not renewed to widows. From 1843 irregular payments were made to the invalids, and in 1856 the few survivors were ordered to be paid with the Navy invalids.

In 1816 the invalid rate to privates of the Army was increased from $5 to $8 for total disability; also, pensions to widows of soldiers of war of 1812 for five years not renewed until 1×53.

In 1818 pensions to revolutionary soldiers, for service in Continental line, first granted,

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In 1828 special provisions were made for certain revolutionary officers and soldiers.

Act of June 7, 1832, gave pensions to revolutionary soldiers who served six months. Act
of July 5, 1832, provided for payment of Virginia claims for revolutionary services.
Act of June 30, 1834, provided Navy pensions to widows.

Act of July 4, 1836, provided pensions for widows of revolutionary soldiers who were mar-
ried before close of the war, and for widows of soldiers in the Florida war, for five years.
Act of March 3, 1837, granted arrears of Navy pensions, which exhausted the Navy pen-

sion fund in 1842.

In 1838 pensions were granted to widows of revolutionary war, for five years, who wer e
married prior to 1794.

From March 4, 1841, to March 4, 1843, no pensions were provided for widows married
prior to 1794, except under act of July 4, 1836.

In 1843 the act of July 7, 1838, was continued for one year from March 4, 1843, and in
1844 was further continued for four years.

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3,044, 933 13


4,191 87
5, 213 03


1,031,908 77
1,357,930 60
1, 180, 828 76
1, 625, 984 07
1,330, 230 32
2,653, 911 62
5,441, 604 93
3,990, 964 69
2,393, 068 21
3,050, 146 16

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3,826, 058 05


20, 295

1,094,540 66

6, 930

1, 168, 420 82

27, 225

2,262, 961 48


1, 219, 809 28

1,025, 510 04

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Act of August 11, 1848, extended Navy invalid and also Navy widows' pensions during
widowhood. Act of February 2, 1848, continued revolutionary pensions during widow.
hood. Act of July 29, 1848, granted pensions to widows married before 1800. Act of
July 21, 1848, authorized pensions for five years to widows of soldiers in Mexican war.

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Act of February 3, 1853, allowed pensions to widows of revolutionary soldiers married
after January 1, 1800; also, renewed pensions for five years to widows of soldiers in
Florida and Mexican wars, war of 1812, and in Indian wars.

In 1858 the pensions to widows of soldiers in wars subsequent to the Revolution were
continued during widowhood.


8, 631

864,278 73

6, 951

735, 416 63

15, 582


1,219, 984 89

959, 823-43



1,045, 841 16


1,360, 670 97

14, 893

2,406, 512 13


1, 210, 678 35

1, 129, 233 76

2, 339, 912 11



871,315 74


998, 431 78

11, 916

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