(a) Members of the Methodist Conference, Oregon. (b) The largest portion of the Coeur d'Alene tribe are in Idaho Territory. No. 85.-Table showing the number of Indians on reservations, fc.-Continued. (a) The scholars made fair progress in their studies while attending school, and school will be resumed as soon as a house can be prepared. (b) School discontinued May 1st for want of a school-house. The building previously used now wanted for the purpose of storing away grain. No. 85.-Table showing the number of Indians on reservations, &c.—Continued. a This amount embraces all sums reported to the Board of Indian Commissioners as having been expended by the several religious organizations for educational and missionary purposes, but it is not put forward as a complete statement. Of this amount the Baptist and Dutch Reformed Churches report an expenditure of $1,200 each; the American Missionary Association, $2,300; the Orthodox Friends, $8,300; the Hicksite Friends, $16,000, (estimated;) the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, $11,800; he Presbyterians, $22,000; and the Protestant Episcopal Church, $24,200. It is impracticable to distribute these contributions among the several agencies. Female. Male. *Q[VlO.I No. 86.-Table showing the number of acres in Indian reserrations, the number under culti the year, and the kinds and value (b). More acres of grain than any year preceding. The fruit crop very abundant; one Indian, John Mount Pleasant, of the Tuscarora reservation, cleared $2,000 on sales of peaches alone. They have regular fairs with good displays of vegetables, fruit, &c. (e) 2500 bushels buck wheat, value $1,500, (d) 500 bushels buckwheat, value $390. (e) 1,275 busculs buckwheat, valae $165. (f) 175 busūcis buckwheat, value $106. |