rally believed on the spirit and conduct of its administration. For a long time past the local administrations have been subordinate to parliamentary exigencies; they occupied themselves more in pleasing some influential men in Paris than in satisfying the legitimate interests of the communes and the people. These days are happily, it may be said, at an end. Make all functionaries thoroughly understand that they must carefully occupy themselves with the interests of all, and that he who must be treated with the greatest zeal and kindness is the humblest and the weakest. The best of policies is that of kindness to persons, and facility for interests and that functionaries shall not suppose themselves created for purposes of objection, embarrassment, and delay, when they are so for the sake of dispatch and regularity. If I attach so much importance to these details, it is because I have remarked that inferior agents often believe that they increase their importance by difficulties and embarrassments. They do not know what maledictions and unpopularity they bring down on the central government. This administrative spirit must be inflexibly modified; that depends on you; enter firmly on that path. Be assured that then, instead of seeing enemies in the government and local administration, the people will only consider them a support and help. And when afterwards you, in the name of this loyal and paternal government, recommend a candidate to the choice of the electors, they will listen to your voice and follow your counsel. All the old accusations of oppositions will fall before this new and simple line of policy, and people in France will end by understanding that order, labor, and security can only be established in a durable manner in a country under a government listened to and respected.
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.com.sa/books/content?id=wN8byQkM_TcC&hl=ar&output=html_text&pg=RA3-PA350&img=1&zoom=3&q=France&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U0cwUQU1vHba1S8iyxKtoVsnc934Q&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=427,1493,503,84)
ABERDEEN, Lord, the public outstripping government, i. 148, note.
Absolute Rulers often favor spe- culative writers on liberty, i. 174.
Absolutism, ever desirous of making judges dependent, i.
Absolutists, whether monarchical or democratic, agree on unity of power, i. 168.
cussed, i. 260 and sequ. Grave errors, i. 262. What is the advocate? i. 263. License, i. 265, note.
Age of Large Cities, ii. 99. Alexander, dragging Betis around Gaza, i. 229.
Alison, Sir Archibald, on repu- diation, i. 127.
Allegiance, American and Eng- lish views, i. 285, and note. Graduated, in middle ages. I.
Abstainers from voting, see Elec-American Supreme Courts decide
Abstinents from voting, see Elec- tion, &c.
Abuse of Pardoning, ii. 144, and sequ. See Pardoning, abuse of. Measures proposed to re- medy it, ii. 159 and sequ. Acclamation, ii. 110. Accumulative Constitutions, i. 178, note.
Accusatorial Trial, i. 91. What it is, i. 238.
Adams, John, on common law, i. 230.
Adams, John Quincy, on civil
law, i. 231, note.
Address of British merchants to Louis Napoleon, i. 75. Administration of Justice, self- development of, i. 236. Administrative Judgments, i. 129. Advocate, his rights, i. 258. Necessary for freedom, ibid. Ethics of the advocate dis-
on unconstitutionality of laws, i. 168.
American Declaration of Inde-
pendence, entire, ii. 228. American Liberty, i. 277. Is re- publican, and opinion of sign- ers of declaration of independ- ence on monarchy, i. 277. Republican federalism, i. 278. United States compared with Netherlands, i. 279. Separa- tion of church and state, ibid. and sequ. Constitution of the United States has been called atheistical, i. 280. No nobility, i. 280. Equality, i. 280, and sequ. Historical progress and abstract reasoning, i. 282, and sequ. Boldness and wisdom of framers of constitution of the United States, i: 262. Po- pular cast of American go- vernment, i. 283. Voting by ballot, ibid. Erroneous views
regarding it, ibid. Record of ayes and noes, i. 284. Exe- cutive cannot prorogue the le- gislature. i. 285. Free admis- sion of states into the Union and immigrants into the states, ibid. Enacted constitutions, i. 285.
Americans have limited the fre- quency of meeting of the legis- lature, i. 195.
Amyot; early translation of Plu- tarch, its influence on France, ii. 75, note.
Ancient and Modern States com-
pared, i. 59 and sequ. Ancient and Modern Liberty, i. 58 and sequ.
Anglican Liberty, i. 68 and sequ. How we ascertain it, ibid. Its chronology, i. 69. Why it is called thus, i. 70. Anglican Tribe, i. 29. Anglican Type of Liberty, i. 313. Anti-corn-law league, i. 146. Antiquity, difference between, and modern times, ii. 61. Appropriations, short, for army, i. 141. Short and definite, i.
160. Aristotle, i. 60, 61. On Psephis- ma and Lesbian canon, ii. 52. Armenian Term for liberty is self- sovereignty or self-government, i. 51, note.
Arms, Right of bearing, i. 143. Army, oath on the constitution,
i. 138. Must not be delibera- tive bodies, i. 141. Subordi- nate to the legislature, i. 135 and sequ. Standing army, i. 137. Absolutists want it in- dependent of the legislature, i. 291. Dictum of Louis Na- poleon that the history of ar- mies is that of nations, i. 293, note.
Arnold, Dr. Thomas, opinion on advocates, i. 265. Definition of institution. Calls England
a "kingly commonwealth," ii. 53.
Arragon, Justicia of, i. 180. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States (of North America), entire, ii. 235.
Asia, poor, on account of hoard- ed treasures, ii. 63. Assassinative. An English jour- nal calls a czar assassinative substance, ii. 66. Assimilative Power of Institu- tional Self-Government, ii. 24 and sequ.
Association, Right of, i. 144 and
sequ. Anti-corn-law league, i. 146. Its danger, i. 145. Colonization society, i. 147. Law reform association, ibid. Its great importance in United States and England, i. 147. Attainder, i. 123. Athenian Democracy had pardon- ing power, ii. 146. Athens, number of votes given in, ii. 133.
Austria, apparently favoring pea- sants against nobility, ii. 95. Autonomy, i. 51, note.
Auto- nomy and self-government, the words compared, i. 51, note. Averages in statistical calcula- tions, ii. 158 and note.
BACON'S, Lord, two political dicta, i. 33.
Bail, i. 85. Constitutional prin- ciple of it, i. 86. Barrot, Odillon, opinion on two houses, i. 211. Beaumont, de, on pardoning in the United States, ii. 151. Beccaria against pardoning pow- er, ii. 146. Béchard, Ferdinand, on the mu- nicipal laws of the republics of Switzerland and the United States, i. 351, note. He uses
i. 286, note. Capital, should it be allowed to leave a country, i. 117. Sent by immigrants to Ireland, i. 115. Brought into the United States by German immigrants, ibid.
in his French work the term | Calhoun's work on government, "self government," ibid. Bentham; Obstetrix Animarum, i. 207. Tactics of legislative assemblies, ibid., note. Dr. T. Cooper's opinion on it, i. 208, note. He is for judges sitting in legislature, i. 244 and sequ. Béranger, his opinion on French penal trial, i. 95.
Bonaparte, General, on unity of power, i. 168, note. Bonaparte, Jerome, ii. 98 British Merchants' address to Louis Napoleon, i. 75. British Minister on doubts on royal proclamations, i. 237. Brougham, Lord; in his Political Philosophy on two houses, i. 213. Against judges sitting in the commons, i. 244. Opinion on license of counsel, i. 260, note. Opinion on the former Germanic empire, ii. 56. Bunsen calls Book of Common Prayer an institution, i. 327. Burke, what party is, i. 164. On power, ii. 73.
Burton's Criminal Trials, i. 50,
Butler, A. P., senator U. S., on Louis Napoleon, ii. 127, note. By-Laws, history of the word, i. 354, note. Characteristic of self-government, i. 353. Lord Coke on them, ibid.
CABINET Wars, i. 163. Cæsar, Julius, ii. 79. Cæsars, ii. 77.
Cæsarean sovereignty, ii. 78,
Capital Cities, their influence in centralized governments, ii. 97 and sequ. See Cities, capi- tal. Caroline's, Queen, trial, ii. 47. Carey, M. on pardoning in Uni- ted States, ii. 154.
Caricatures, historical, ii. 35. Cassation, Court of, i. 299. Cassel, residence of Jerome Bona- parte, ii. 98.
Chambord, Count. His letter, ii. 93, note.
Censorship, stringent in England under Presbyterian govern- ment, i. 113. Centralization, ii. 97 and sequ.
Influence of Paris, ii. 97 and sequ. Brilliancy of central- ism, ii. 98. Age of large cities, ii. 99. Their absorbing effect, ibid. Paris and London com- pared, ii. 100. It can produce striking effects, ii. 101. poleonic Ideas, ii. 103. Mis- taking vociferous crowds for the people, ii. 104. Louis Na- poleon believed to have saved society, ii. 105. Socialists feared in France, ii. 105. Shocks extend over the whole country, ii. 46. Centralism, see Centralization. Chambers, Judge, on judicial
tenure, i. 297, note.. Champ-de-Mars, ii. 38, note. Chancellor, Lord, presiding officer of house of lords, i. 201. Charter granted by Louis XVIII. of France, ii. 268. That, adopted in 1830, entire, ii. 268.
The successors of Louis Napoleon, and their descendants, cannot adopt.
ART. 4. Louis Napoleon regulates, by an organic decree addressed to the senate and deposited in its archives, the order of succession on the throne in the Bonaparte family, in case he should not leave any direct legitimate or adopted heir.
ART. 5. In default of any legitimate or adoptive heir of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and of successors in collateral line who may derive their right from the organic decree above mentioned, a senatus consultum, proposed to the senate by the ministers, formed into a council of government, with the addition of the actual presidents of the senate, the legislative corps, and of the council of state, and submitted for adoption to the people, appoints the emperor, and regulates in his family the hereditary order from male to male, to the perpetual exclusion of women and their descendants.
Until the election of the new emperor shall be consummated, the affairs of the state are governed by the actual ministers, who shall form themselves into a council of government and deliberate by a majority of votes.
-ART. 6. The members of the family of Louis Napoleon eventually called to succeed him, and their descendants of both sexes, form a part of the imperial family. A senatus consultum regulates their position. They cannot marry without the authorization of the emperor. Their marriage without this authorization deprives of the right of inheritance as well him who contracts the marriage as his descend
Nevertheless, if there are no children of such a marriage, and the wife dies, the prince having contracted such marriage recovers his right of inheritance.
Louis Napoleon fixes the titles and the condition of the other members of his family.
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