268 Superior Court, Wages. Judges impowered. Commerce. When and where to be holden. All writs to be returned iz days before, &c. Secretary to be Clerk of faid Court. journ, &c. Prefident. their Judgments; Decrees and Determinations in the Matters aforefaid, according to the Laws, Cuftoms and Ufages of this State. And their Determinations and Decrees fhall be final and conclufive to all concerned. And be it further Enated by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Supreme Court of Errors fhall be held annually, at the Place where the General Affembly fhall be held to meet, on the Tuefday of the Week next before the ftated Seffions of faid Affembly. And all Writs returnable to faid Court shall be served twelve Days before the Seffions of faid Court, and returned to the Clerk of faid Court before the Day of faid Seffions. And the Secretary of this State for the Time being, fhall ex officio be the Clerk of faid Court. And faid Court fhall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time, and to fuch Place as they fhall think neceffary and expedient. And it is further Provided, That the Lieutenant-Governor, or in his Abfence the fenior Counfellor prefent fhall prefide, feven of whom fhall conftitute a Quorum. An Act establishing the Wages of the Judges of the Superior Court. B E it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there fhall be Judges wages paid to the Chief Judge of the Superior Court, Twenty-feven Shillings, and to each Affiftant Judge Twenty-four Shillings per Diem, as a Recompence for their Services while attending the Duties of their Office. Judges to give their opinion in writing. To be kept on file. For what purpose. Supreme court of error to reduce their reafons to writing, &c. Judges of the Sup. Court, Juftices throughout the State. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be the Duty of the Judges of the Superior Court, in all Matters of Law by them decided, on Writ of Error, Demurer, fpecial Verdict or Motion in arreft of Judgment, each one to give his Opinion feriatim, with the Reasons thereof, and the fame reduce to Writing and fubfcribe; to be kept on File, that the Cafe may be fully reported, and if renod by Writ of Error, be carried up with greater Advantage; and thereby a Foundation be laid for a more perfect and permanent Syftem of common Law in this State. And it fhall be the Duty of the Supreme Court of Error, to caufe the Reafons of their Judgments to be committed to Writing, and figned by one of the Judges, and to be lodged in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. An Act in addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for DE it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives, in General An Act for encouraging and promoting the Commerce BE E it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Cities and New-London Ports of New-London and New-Haven, fhall be free Cities and Ports for 2nd News the Term of seven Years from the first Day of June 1784; and all Foreigncrs, or Citizens of the United American States, removing to either of faid Haven free pouts. Cities miffion of inhabitants. Perfons ob Cities, and who obtain the major Vote of the Inhabitants, or the Confent Rule for adof the Civil Authority and Select-men of the Towns of New-London or of New-Haven, fhall have Right to continue in faid Towns, and shall be entitled to, and receive the fame Protection of Law in their Perfons and Properties, which the Citizens of this State are entitled to have and receive. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Perfons removing to and refiding in either of faid Cities for the Purposes of Commerce, on obtaining Certificates of the Select-men of faid Towns, by Law required for Admiffion of Freemen, and upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to this State, and the Oath by Law to be taken by Freemen, fhall to all Intents and Purposes become free Citizens of this State. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Foreigners and Citizens of any of the United States, who fhall come into, or refide in either of faid Ports or Cities, fhall be holden to pay no other or greater Duties or Taxes than the Citizens of this State refiding in faid Cities, fhall by Law be holden to pay. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any Merchants refiding in faid Cities, or either of them, or Company of Merchants (not confifting of more than Three) who shall establish and keep up mercantile Houfes in faid Cities, or either of them, of which Company one at least to be a Refident in faid Cities, or one of them, and Foreigners and Subjects of any other the United States, who fhall remove to and refide in either of faid Cities for the Purposes of Commerce, and who fhall import annually into faid Ports, or either of them, from Europe, Afia or Africa, Goods, Wares and Merchandize, the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of faid Countries, to the amount of Three Thoufand Pounds Sterling, or who fhall bring into faid Cities Two Thousand Pounds in Money, fhall, during the Term they fhall fo import, or bring in to the Amount aforefaid, and within the faid Term of feven Years, be exempted from Affeffiment for Faculty, for or on Account of the Profits arifing on fuch Importation, fo far as the Revenue of this or the United States are interested therein; the Value of fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize to be determined by the Entries at the respective Naval-Offices of faid NewLondon and New-Haven; at which Office fhall be exhibited at the time of Entry, the original Invoices of faid Goods, and fuch Invoices fhall be proved by an Examination under Oath of the Importer or fome other Person who purchased the fame; which Oath the faid Naval Officer is hereby impowered to adminifter. And the Amount of the Money imported according to this Act, fhall be determined to the Satisfaction of the Lifters of faid Towns refpectively. Be it further Enated by the Authority aforefaid, That all Ships and other Veffels within this State, which fhall be employed four Months in one Year in the European, Afiatic or African Commerce, fhall for thofe Years in which they fhall be fo employed, be exempted out of the Lift, and freed from Taxes in each Year wherein they fhail be fo employed. taining certificates, and tain oaths, to become free citizens. Foreigners, citizens. Merchants, &c. importing into faid cities, &c. 3000l. fterling in goods &c. or zopol. in money, exempted from faculty affeffment, &c. The value of Lifters to be taxes. Provided nevertheless, That no Perfon who having adhered to the King of Great-Britain, in the Courfe of the late War, and under Pretext of fuch Adherence, has been guilty of lawlefs and unauthorized plundering or Mur- Provifo. der, or who has waged War against the United American States, contrary to the Laws and Ufages of civilized Nations, fhall be entitled to the Privileges and Benefits of this Act. And it is further provided, That nothing in the foregoing Act fhall be conftrued to interfere with, or contradict any Regulations, Orders or Refo- Further pros lutions that have or may be come into by the United States in Congress vifo. affembled, confonant to the Powers that already are, or hereafter may be invested in them by the refpective States, for the Purpose of regulating Commerce. Provided alfo, That nothing herein fhall be underftood to imply a Countenance to, or Allowance of the Slave-Trade, fo called, on the Afri can Coaft, or elsewhere. An L12 270 thorized to levy an Impolt. Articles enu merated with their Rates. Impoft. An Act to enable the United States in Congrefs affembled, to levy certain Duties and Imposts on certain Goods and Merchandizes imported into this State, to be applied in Payment of the Debts of the United States, contracted for fupporting the late War; in Compliance with a Refolution of Congress of the eighteenth of April, 1783. Eit Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the United States in Congrefs au- Congrefs affembled be, and they are hereby fully authorized and impowered to levy for the Ufe of the United States aforefaid, the following Duties upon Goods imported into this State from any foreign Port, Inland or Plantation not within any of the United States; upon all Rum of Jamaica Proof, per Gallon, four Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon all other fpiritous Liquors, three Ninetieth of a Dollar; upon Madeira Wine twelve Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon all other Wine fix Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon common Bohea Tea per Pound, fix Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon all other Teas, twentyfour Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon Pepper per Pound, three Ninetieths of a Dollar; upon brown Sugar per Pound, one half Ninetieth of a Dollar; upon loaf Sugar two Ninetieths of a Dollar, upon all other Sugars one Ninetieth of a Dollar; upon Molaffes one Ninetieth of a Dollar per Gallon ; upon Cocoa and Coffee per Pound, one Ninetieth of a Dollar; and upon all other Goods a Duty of five per Cent. ad Valorem, at the Time and Place of Importation, for and during the Term of Twenty-five Years. Provifo. vio. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the whole of faid Duties fhall be applied to the Difcharge of the Intereft and Principal of the Debts contracted on the Faith of the United States, for fupporting the War, agreeable to the Refolution of the United States in Congrefs of the fixteenth Day of December laft, in the following Manner, viz. Whenever the Duties aforefaid, with other Funds that may be provided for that Purpose, fhall exceed the Sum requifite for Payment of the annual Interest of the national Debt contracted as aforefaid, then the Surplus fhall become a finking Fund, and be inviolably appropriated to the Payment of the Principal of the faid Debt, and fhall on no Account be diverted to any other Ufe Provided alfo, That the United States in Congrefs affembled fhall, as foon Further pro- as the public Debt can be liquidated, furnish this State annually with the Amount thereof, and the Intereft thereon; and alfo the Proceeds and Difpofition of the Funds provided for the Redemption thereof, agreeable to the Refolution of Congrefs of the 16th of December, 1782. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Rules and Ordinances as fhall be made by the United States in Congress affembled, for levying and collecting faid Duties, not inconfiftent with the Conftitution and internal Police of this State, fhall be duly obferved. Provided nevertheless, That the Collectors of faid Duties fhall, from Time to Time, as there may be Occafion, be appointed by the General Affembly, or in their Recefs, by the Governor and Council of this State; which Collectors fhall be accountable and amenable to, and removable by the United States in Congress affembled, who are alío hereby authorized to appoint fuch Collectors in Cafe this State do not appoint them within one Month after Notice received for that Purpose. This Act to commence and be in Force as foon as the United States in Congrefs fhall make and publish an Ordinance for collecting the aforefaid Duties, in Confequence of fimilar Acts having been paffed by all the other States in the Union, An 1 State Duties. An Act for levying and collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into this State, by Land or Water. B 271 Articles enu merated, rates. Eit Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the 23d State duties. Day of June, One thousand feven hundred and eighty-four, there fhall be paid on the following Articles imported or brought into this State, by Land or Water, from any of the United States of America, the following Duties, viz. On all Wines per Gallon One Shilling, Brandy per Gallon Eight-pence, Geneva per Gallon Eight-pence, Rum per Gallon Four-pence, Snuff per Pound Sixpence, Bohea Tea per Pound Four-pence, all other India Teas per Pound Two Shillings, Coffee per Pound Two-pence, Chocolate per Pound Two-pence, Loaf Sugar per Pound Three-pence, Brown Sugar per Pound One Penny, all Malt Liquors not the Manufacture of the United States per Gallon One Shilling, and on Writing and Printing Paper per Ream Two Shillings and Six-pence, And be it further Enated by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the 23d Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, there fhall be paid a Duty of five per Cent. ad Valorem, at the Time and Place of Importation, upon all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize, not before enumerated in this Act, that are not the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of the United States, that fhall be brought or imported into this State, by Land or Water, from any of the United States. 41 per cent. All other goods,. &c. § Provided nevertheless, That if any Goods, Wares and Merchandize, by this Paragraph of this Act liable to pay a Duty of five per Cent. the Property of any Citizen or Citizens of this State folely, and by fuch Citizen or Provifo. Citizens imported into any other of the United States; from any foreign Port or Place, with a Design and Intent to be imported into this, State, fhall be imported from fuch State into this State; fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize fhall be exempted from paying the Duty impofed by this Paragraph of this Act, provided the Owner or Owners of fuch Goods fhall make it appear to the Satisfaction of the Judge of the County Court of that County in this State, into which they fhall be imported, that fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize, come within the Provifo of this Paragraph of this Act, and fhall procure a Certificate from fuch Judge, that fuch Satisfaction hath been made, and fhall lodge the fame with the Naval-Officer of the Port, if imported by Water, or the Collector of the Town, if imported by Land, into which the faid Goods, Wares and Merchandize are imported, within fortyeight Hours after the fame fhall have been thus imported. And for the more effectually collecting and fecuring the Duties impofed by this Alt, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at the Time of entering every Ship or Veffel of the Burthen of thirty-five Tons or more, fhall be exhibited to the Naval-Officer, at whofe Office fuch Ship or Veffel is entered, the original Invoices of all the Articles contained in the Manifeft, herein af ter directed to be exhibited; which Invoices fhall then be by the Oath of the Mafter of fuch Ship or Veffel, or fome other Perfon, proved to be the original Invoices of fuch Articles; and twenty-five per Cent. added to the Prices at which the Articles specified in fuch Invoices are fet, fhall be deemed and taken to be the Value of fuch Articles at the Time and Place of Importation. And the Oath to be taken by the Perfon proving fuch Invoices, under Oath, fhall be as follows, to wit: You fwear by the Name of the everliving God, that the Invoices by you made and exhibited to me are the true original Invoices of the Articles which are therein specified and enumerated; and that the Prices fet to the Articles therein enumerated, are the Prices at which thofe refpective Articles were bona fide bought. So help you God, And Mafters of fhips, &c. a- naval-officer. 25 per cent. to be added. Form of the oath. 272 Vessels, &c. under 35 tons. Invoice to be exhibited. Articles imported by land. Naval-officer &c. to adminifter oath. State Duties. And the Master of every Veffel or Boat, under the Burthen of thirty-five Tons, or fome other Perfon, fhall at the Time of exhibiting the Manifeft herein after directed to be exhibited of the Cargo imported in fuch Vessel or Boat, exhibit the original Invoice of the Articles contained in fuch Manifeft, and prove the fame in the fame Manner as is before provided in the laft preceeding Paragraph. And every Perfon importing any Articles by Land into any Town in this State, fhall in like Manner at the Time of rendering to the proper Collector herein after provided, an Account of the Articles by him thus imported, exhibit and prove by Oath the original Invoice of fuch Articles: And the refpective Naval-Officers and Collectors are hereby impowered to adminifter faid Oath. And if in any of the Cafes aforefaid, the original Invoices fhall not be exhibited and proved, or in Cafe the Naval-Officer or Collector to whom exhibited, fhall not be fatisfied with the Proof of fuch Invoice, fuch Naval-Officer or Collector may at his Difcretion nominate and appoint two difcreet Perfons to determine and afcertain the Value at the Time and Place of Importation of the various Articles contained in the Manifeft, or Account exhibited; which Perfons fhall be by the Naval-Officer or Collector appointing them, fworn well and truly, to appraife fuch Articles at their true and juft Value, at the Time and Place of pence paid by Importation; and the Coft and Expence attending fuch Appraisal, shall be paid by the Mafter or other Perfon exhibiting the Manifeft or Account herein after directed to be exhibited: And the Appraisers fhall each have for fuch Service at the Rate of Ten Shillings per Day; and in any Cafe where fuch Appraisers fhall not spend a whole Day in fuch Service, the Naval Officer or Collector, by whom they were appointed, fhall determine what Proportion of a Day they fhall be paid for, and his Determination in fuch Cafe fhall be final. No Invoice, &c. Naval officers to ap point appraifers. Coft and ex the mafter, &c. Appraisers fees. Ships &c. 35 tons or more to enter at the navaloffice. Exhibit a manifeft under oath. Form of the 35 tons, to exhibit manifeft. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Master of every Ship or Veffel, of the Burthen of thirty-five Tons or more, that shall after the twenty-third Day of June next, arrive at, or come into any Port, Harbour, River or Creek in this State, fhall within twenty-four Hours after his thus arriving, duly enter his Ship or Veffel, at the Naval-Office of the Port in which he arrives, and fhall under Oath exhibit to fuch Naval-Officer, a true and perfect Manifeft in Writing, fubfcribed by him, of every Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported or brought into this State on board fuch Ship or Veffel, as well of the Cargo and Lading of fuch Ship or Veffel as the Baggage of Paffengers. And the Form of the Oath to be taken by fuch Master relative to such Manifeft, fhall be as follows: You fwear by the Name of the everliving God, that the Manifeft by you now exhibited, contains a true and perfect Account of all the Goods, Wares and Merchandize taken on Board your Ship or Veffel, and imported by you in her from the Ports or Port from whence your Ship or Veffel came; and that the Bulk of your Veffel bath not been broken, nor any Article whatever been unloaded therefrom, according to your beft Knowledge and Belief. So help you God. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mafter of every Veffel or Boat, under the Burthen of thirty-five Tons, coming into any Port, Harbour, River or Creek in this State, from any Place out of the Veffels under State, fhall within twenty-four Hours after arriving in any fuch Port, Harbour, River or Creek, make, and under Oath exhibit a true and perfect Ma nifeft of every Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported or brought into this State on Board fuch Veffel or Boat, as well of the Cargo and Lading of fuch Veffel or Boat, as of the Baggage of Paffengers, to the Naval-Officer or Collector refident in the Town in which fuch Veffel or Boat arrives; the Form of which Oath fhall be the fame, mutatis mutandis, as the Oath herein before in the next preceeding Paragraph provided: And the faid Naval-Officers and Collectors are hereby refpectively impowered to |