صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



State Duties.

ACTS AND LAWS, Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly of the State of Connecticut, in America, holden at New-Haven, in faid State, on the second Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1784.

An Act for levying and collecting Duties on the Im-portation of certain Articles, and for appropriating the fame.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firft Day of January next, there fhall be paid on the following Articles, imported or brought into this State, by Land or Water, not the Manufacture of any of the United States, viz. On the following Articles, in Addition to the Duties heretofore laid, viz. On all wrought Silk, Gauze, Muflin, Cambrick, Lawn, Chintz, Lace, and Linens, a Duty of two per Cent. ad Valorem, at the Time and Place of Importation, faid Value to be afcertained, and faid Duty to be collected in the fame Manner, and under the fame Regulations, Forfeitures and Difabilities, as are provided in and by a Law of this State, in-. titled, "An Act for levying and collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into this State by Land or Wa

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Particular duties on cer

on each Beaver and Beaveret Hat, Six Shillings; on each Caftor Hat, Three Shillings; on each Felt Hat, One Shilling; on each Pair of Men's tain articles: or Women's Shoes, One Shilling; on each Pair of Boots, Six Shillings; on each Pound of tanned Leather, Three-pence; on each Saddle, Ten Shillings; on all Cheese, not the Manufacture of any of the United States, Four-pence per Pound; on each Pound of Sugar, other than brown Sugar, whether the Produce or Manufacture of the United States, or not, imported into this State, Three-pence; to be collected in the fame Manner, and Qq



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tilled spirits.

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under the fame Regulations, Forfeitures, Penalties, and Difabilities, as the Duties of two per Cent. on the Articles before enumerated in this Act.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Duty of Three-pence per Gallon be laid and collected on all Wines, and on all BranDuty on dy, Geneva, and other diftilled fpirituous Liquors, (except Rum) which wines & dif- fhall be imported into this State by Land or Water, and a Duty of Threepence per Gallon on all Beer, not made in the United States, to be collected in the fame Manner, and under the fame Regulations, Forfeitures and Penalties, as the Duty on Rum, by Virtue of a Law of this State, intitled, "An Act for laying and collecting Duties on the Importation of Rum." And be it further Enacted, That the Monies arifing on the Duties aforefaid, be, and they are hereby appropriated for paying this State's Quota of the Intereft of the Debt of the United States, agreeably to the Requifitions of Congrefs, and the fame may be paid in Money, or Certificates for faid Intereft, to be iffued from the Loan-Office in this State, pursuant to a Refolution of Congrefs, of the 28th of April, 1784.

Duties how ppropriated

Additional auty of one penny on


How paid.

Commencement of this


Beef & pork barrels affize.

Fish how to be pack'd, &c.

Lumber regulated.

And be it further Enacted, That there fhall be a further Duty of One Penny per Gallon on all Rum imported into this State, in Addition to the Duty of Two-pence on the Gallon, granted by the aforefaid Act, intitled, An Act for laying and collecting Duties on the Importation of Rum,' and fhall be collected in the fame Manner as in faid Act is provided.

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And that two-thirds of both the faid Duties on Rum, may be paid in the aforefaid Certificates for Intereft, or lawful money, and the other third fhall be paid in Money, and is hereby appropriated for the Support of Civil Government in this State.

This Act to commence on the first Day of January next, and be in Force from and after that Time.

An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, An Act for encouraging and promoting the Commerce of this State.

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E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Barrels ufed for the packing of Beef or Pork, containing twenty-eight Gallons, and two Hundred Weight, and every Barrel ufed for packing of Fifh, and containing twenty-eight Gallons, fhall be deemed to be merchantable, and of full Affize, any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary notwithstanding.

That all barrelled or falted Fish for Sale, (except fuch as are fplit) fhall be packed and put up edgewife; and whofoever fhall fell, or fhip for Sale, any fuch barrelled or falted Fifh otherwife packed (excepting as aforefaid) fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twelve Shillings for every fuch Barrel of falted Fish, and fo in Proportion, when the fame are falted or packed in greater or leffer Cafks; to be recovered by any one who fhall fue for the fame.

That the Dimenfions of the feveral Sorts and Kinds of Lumber for Exportation, hereafter mentioned, fhall be as follows, to wit,---All White-oak Pipe Staves, four Feet eight Inches long, and three Inches and an Half in Width; White-oak Hogfhead Staves, three and half Feet long, and three and half Inches in Width; White-oak Barrel Staves, two and half Feet long, and three and half Inches wide; White-oak Hogfhead Heading, two and half Feet long, and fix Inches wide, and all free from Sap; all White-oak Barrel Staves to be ufed within this State, fhall be two Feet and four Inches long, and three Inches and an half wide; all Black and Red-oak Hogfhead Staves fhall be three and half Feet long, and three and half Inches wide; all French Sugar Hogshead Staves fhall be four Feet and feven Inches long,



and three and half Inches wide; all Staves and Heading fhall be three quarters of an Inch thick in the thineft Part; that all Cedar and Pine Shingies fhall be one Foot and fix Inches long, four Inches wide, and half an Inch in thickness at the Butt; that no Pine Boards fhall be deemed merchantable, unless the fame are an Inch thick. And if any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, fhall after the firft Day of March next; fhip, or take on Board any Veffel within this State, any Quantity or Parcel of the aforementioned Sorts of Lumber for Exportation, which are not of the Dimenfions and Description aforefaid, the faid Lumber fo fhipped or taken on Board, as aforefaid, contrary to this Act, or the Value thereof, shall be forfeited by the Perfon or Perfons who fhips, or takes the fame on Board, as aforefaid, one Half thereof to the Profecutor, and the other Half to the Treasury of this State; and the fame may be feized and proceeded with in the fame Way and Manner, as is provided in one Statute of this State, made for levying and collecting a Duty on the Exportation of Timber, &c. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Cafk of Tobacco, that fhall be hereafter packed and offered for Sale, within this State, fhall be branded with the Packer's Naine, and the Name of the Town where fuch Tobacco fhall be packed; at full length; and whofoever fhall fell, or expofe to Sale, any Cafk or Cafks of Tobacco, not branded as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay a Penalty of Forty Shillings for each and every fuch Cafk of Tobacco, to be recovered by any one who fhall fue for the fame:



That every Barrel or Cafk of Pot or Pearl Ashes, offered or expofed for Sale within this State, fhall be infpected and branded with the Maker's and Infpector's Names; and the Name of the Town where made, all at full Pot and penti length, and with a Mark or Figure expreffing the Degree of the Quality of fuch Pot and Pearl Afhes; and whofoever fhall offer, or expofe for Sale,


Barrel or Barrels, or other Cask or Casks of Pot or Pearl Ashes, within this State, not infpected and branded as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay for every fuch Barrel or Cafk, the Sum of Forty Shillings, to be recovered by any one who fhall fue for the fame.

That no Barrel, or other Cafk, or Quantity of Flour, fhall be exported out of this State, in any Veffel whatever, unless the fame fhall have been firft duly infpected, and branded with the Infpector's Name, and the Name of the State, at full Length, and with a Mark expreffing the Degree of the Quality of fuch Flour, and a Certificate thereof, obtained from fuch Infpector, and produced to the Naval-Officer of that Port in this State where fuch Veffel fhall be cleared out: And if any Perfon or Perfons, whatsoever, fhall ship or export any Flour contrary to this Act, fhall forfeit the fame, or the Value thereof, the one Half to the Profecutor, and the other Half to the Treafury of this State, and the fame may be feized, and proceeded with in the fame Way and Manner, as is provided in the aforementioned Statute, made for laying and collecting a Duty on the Exportation of Timber, &c.

That the feveral Towns in this State, from which Pot or Pearl Afhes fhall be exported, and all Towns where Flour or Tobacco fhall be packed or barrelled, are impowered and directed, at their annual, or any other legal Meeting, to choose Infpectors and Branders for the Purposes mentioned in this Act, who fhall be fworn to a faithful Difcharge of their feveral Offices, mutatis mutandis, as is by Law prefcribed for Surveyors of Highways, Leather Sealers, &c. And that faid Infpectors and Branders fhall be intitled to the following Fee or Reward for their Services, to wit: For infpecting, branding, and heading up every Cafk of Pot and Pearl Afhes, the Summ of One Shilling; for infpecting and branding every Cafk of Flour, and giving a Certificate thereof, the Sum of Three-pence; for infpecting, heading, and branding every Barrel of Fish, the Sum of Six-pence; for infpecting and branding Tobacco, as is already by Law provided.

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&c. to be cho-

fen & fworn.



Congress enabled to lay duties, pro

vided twelve

tates agree thereto.


Manifeft to specify the particulars, &c.

Impost. State Duties.

An Act, in Addition to an Act, intitled, An Act to enable the United States, in Congress affembled, to levy certain Duties and Impofts, on certain Goods and Merchandizes imported into this State, to be applied in Payment of the Debts of the United States, contracted for the fupporting the late War, in Compliance with a Resolution of Congrefs of the 18th of April, 1783.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the United States in Congrefs affembled be, and they are hereby fully impowered and authorized, to levy for the Ufe of the United States aforefaid, the Duties mentioned in faid Act, on all Goods imported into this State from any foreign Port, Island or Plantation, not within the United States, under the Limitations and Provifions of faid Act, when Congrefs fhall have published an Ordinance for collecting faid Duties, in Confequence of twelve of the United States having paffed Acts fimilar to faid Act, and the Provifions of this Act.

Provided nevertheless, That the United States in Congrefs affembled, fhall annually require of the State which fhall neglect or refufe to pafs Acts fimilar to the aforefaid Act, or to this Act, the Payment of fuch Sums as fhall become their juft Proportion from Year to Year, of the Principal or Intereft of the Debt of the United States, required to be paid within fuch Year; and that the Proportion affigned to fuch State, fhall be made upon the Ability of fuch State, in the Year wherein the Requifition fhall be made.

An Act, in Addition to, and in Alteration of a Law of this State, intitled, An Act for levying and collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, imported into this State by Land or Water.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Mafter of every Ship, Veffel or Boat, fhall in the Manifeft by him to be exhibited, according to the Direction of faid former Act, fpecify every Bale, Package, Cafk, Trunk or Cheft, containing any Articles of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, and also the Marks and Numbers of fuch Bale, Package, Cask, Trunk and Cheft, fhipped or taken on Board his Ship, Veffel or Boat at the Port, Ports or Places from which he came, and also specify the Kind, Quantity and Quality of every particular Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, in each and every fuch Bale, Package, Cafk, Trunk and Cheft, and alfo the Kind, Quantity and Quality of every other Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, by him taken on Board his Ship, Veffel or Boat, at the Port, Ports or Places from which he came, and thall before the Naval-Officer or Collector to whom fuch Manifeft is exhibited, take the following Oath, inftead of the Oath provided by faid Act to be taken by the Mafter of a Ship, Veffel or Boat, viz. YOU fwear by the Name of the everliving GOD, that the Manifest you have now exhibited, contains a true and perfect Account of every Bale,


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