صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

State Duties.

Package, Cafk, Cheft and Trunk by you taken on Board your Ship or Veffel, at
the Port, Ports or Places from which you came, and alfo a true and perfect Ac-
count of each particular Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize by you
taken on Board your Ship or Veffel at the Port, Ports or Places from which Oath.
you came, and of which Bales, Packages, Cafks, Trunks, Chefts or Goods you
are by Law directed to make a Manifeft, and that the Bales, Packages, Cafks,
Chefts and Trunks, specified in faid Manifeft, did not at the Time they were
fhipped or taken on Board your Ship or Veffel, nor do they now contain any other
Goods, Wares and Merchandize, than what you have fpecified in your Mani-
feft, and that no Article whatever bath been unladen from your Veffel.

So help you GOD.

Provided nevertheless, That if at the Time of exhibiting fuch Manifeft, the Owner of fuch Bale, Package, Cafk, Cheft or Trunk, or any other credible Person in behalf of fuch Owner, fhall appear and exhibit an Invoice expreffing the Kind, Quantity and Quality of each and every Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize contained in any fuch Bale, Package, Cafk, Cheft or Trunk, and fhall before the proper Naval-Officer or Collector, make Oath that the Invoice by him exhibited, is a true and perfect Inventory of every Article of Goods, Wares and Merchandize that was packed or contained therein, at the Time fuch Bale, Package, Cask, Cheft or Trunk was fhipped on Board the Ship, Veffel or Boat in which imported, and at the Time of exhibiting faid Invoice, the Mafter fhall not be obliged to infert an Account of fuch Bale, Package, Cafk, Cheft or Trunk, in the Manifeft by him exhibited.

And it' fhall be lawful for the Mafter of every Veffel, Ship or Boat, within twenty-four Hours after arriving at his Port of Delivery in this State, to open for the Purpose of making a Manifeft according to the Order of this Act, every Bale, Package, Cafk, Chest and Trunk, of which he is by Law to make a Manifeft, unless the Owner thereof, or fome other Perfon in his behalf, fhall appear and exhibit an Invoice thereof, according to the Terms of this Provifo, and pay, and fecure to be paid, the Duties accordingly.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if in any Cafe, the Provifions of this Act, with Refpect to exhibiting a Manifeft, and making Oath thereto, fhall not be complied with, all the Forfeitures and Penalties of faid former Act, fhall, by fuch Neglect be incurred: Which Forfeitures and Penalties may be profecuted for, and recovered, and difpofed in the fame Manner, and to the fame Ufes and Perfons, as the Forfeitures and Penalties in fimilar Cafes, are by faid former Act to be profecuted for and difpofed of.

And be it further Enacted, That in all Cafes where a Duty of Five per Cent. ad Valorem, by the faid former Act is to be paid, the Rule for afcertaining the Value of the Goods at the Time and Place of Importation, fhall be the fame as is provided in faid former Act, in Cafe of Goods imported in a Ship, Veffel, or Boat of the Burthen of thirty-five Tons or more. And the Perfon who exhibits an Invoice, according to the Provifions of the said former Act, fhall, instead of the Oath therein provided, make Oath before the Naval-Officer or Collector to whom the Invoice is exhibited, that the Invoice, or Invoices by him exhibited, are the true Invoice, or Invoices of the Articles therein enumerated and fpecified, and that the Prices the ein ftated, are the Prices at which thofe refpective Articles were bona fide bought by him; and that the Invoice, or Invoices by him exhibited, do contain a full and perfect Account of every Article of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize by him fhipped on Board of, or imported directly or indirectly in the Ship, Veffel, or Boat in which the Articles fpecified in the Invoice by him exhibited were imported.




Mafter enabled to open. the packages, &c.

unlefs, &c.


how recovered and difpo fed of.

Rule for af

certaining the value,


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And be it further Enacted, That if any Perfon whatever, having taken either of the Oaths provided by this Act to be taken, fhall falfify the Truth in any of the Matters to which the Oath he has taken relates, he fhell on Conviction thereof, fuffer the Pains, Penalties and Difabilities of wilful Perjury.

And be it further Enatted, That all Veffels and Boats, under the Burthen of thirty-five Tons, and their Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, or Cargo, feized by Virtue of faid former Act, fhall and may be libeled before the fame Court, and be proceeded with in the fame Manner as by faid former Act is provided in Cafe of Veffels under the Burthen of twenty-five Tons.

An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for the Regulation of Navigation.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in future every Veffel of the Burthen of Fifteen Tons and upwards, that fhall be, or has been built in this State, or whofe Owners, or any Part of them fhall belong to or refide within this State, whofe Owner or Mafter fhall neglect or refufe to take out a Register from this State, as is directed by faid Act, faid Veffel fhall be liable to be feized, and forfeited to the Ufe of this State. And it fhall be the Duty of the Naval-Officer, to feize and profecute the fame as aforefaid.

An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for the Regulation of Navigation.


Eit Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there fhall be kept at the Port of Norwich, one Naval-Officer, who fhall be nominated and deputed in the fame Way and Manner, and be subject to the fame Rules and Regulations that other Naval-Officers in this State by Law are. That for the future, the feveral Naval-Officers in this State, that are, or may hereafter be appointed, fhall, once in fix Months render their several particular Accounts to the Treasurer of this State, of all the Monies and Certificates for Intereft which they may or fhall receive for any Duties or Imposts for the Ufe and Benefit of this State, and pay and deliver the fame to the faid Treasurer, taking his Receipt therefor, and on Failure thereof, he or they fhall, upon Complaint and Proof made to his Excellency the Governor, be (ex officio) difmiffed from his or their Office, and another appointed in his or their Room and Stead: And it fhall be the Duty of faid Treafurer to make Complaint to his Excellency the Governor of all fuch Failures and Neglects.

An Act in further Addition to, and Alteration of an Act, intitled, An Act for the better establishing and confirmation of the Titles of Land, &c. made and paffed in October, 1723.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That where any Warrant fhall be obtained from an Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace, purfuant to the directions of faid Act, for calling a Meeting of the Proprie tors of fuch common or undivided Lands, the fame, inftead of the Mode directed




directed by faid Act, shall be published by inferting in fome public NewsPaper, in or neareft the Town where fuch Lands are fituate, four Weeks fucceffively; and alfo by pofting on the public Sign-poft in fuch Town, at least twenty Days before the Day appointed for fuch Meeting; which fhall be a fufficient Warning and Notice for holding the fame.

And be it further Enacted, That the Method provided by this and the aforefaid Act, may be had and taken for the obtaining and calling fuch Proprietors Meeting, any Difficulty or Impediment which may have taken place by Means or in Confequence of any fuch Proprietors having adopted, agreeable to the Liberty of faid Act, any other or different Mode of calling fuch Meetings notwithstanding.

An Act in Alteration of an Act, intitled, An Act for the Direction of Lifters in their Office and Duty.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Swine shall hereafter be exempted out of the Lift of rateable Estate.

An Act in Addition to a Law, intitled, An Act for ftating, limiting and naming the Counties in this


WHEREAS in the late Revifion of the Laws of this State, the Town of

Washington was omitted to be entered in the Lifts of Towns for the County of Litchfield, when it ought to have been inferted in faid Lift, next after the Town of Norfolk.


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Town of Washington, be included in, and be a Part of the County of Litchfield.



Swine èx


Town of Washington included in Litchfield


Congress Impowered.






Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (in said State) on the second Thurfday of May, Anno Domini 1785.

An Act vesting the United States in Congrefs affem-
bled with Power to regulate the Commerce of the
United States.

THEREAS the United States in Congress affembled, on the 30th Day of Preamble.
April 1784, recommended to the feveral States to veft Congress with


certain Powers for the Purpose of enabling them to fecure to the Citizens of the United States reciprocal Advantages in their Commerce with foreign Nations, and the fame baving been duly confidered and deliberated upon:

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power to regu

E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives in General Congress Court affembled, and by the Authority of the jame, That the United vested with States in Congress affembled, be, and hereby are vested with full Powers late Trade for and Authority for the Term of Fifteen Years next enfuing, to prohibit the term of 15 any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, from being imported into, or ex- years. ported from this State in Veffels belonging to, or navigated by the Subjects of any foreign Power with whom the United States fhall not have formed Treaties of Commerce, and to prohibit the Subjects of any foreign State, Kingdoms, or Empire, unless authorised by Treaty, from importing into this State any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, which are not the Produce or Manufacture of the Dominions of the Sovereign, whofe Subjects they are, and to take proper Meafures for carrying the fame into Effect.

Provided, That to all Acts of the United States in Congrefs affembled, Proviso. in Pursuance of the above Powers, the Affent of nine States fhall be neceffary. Provided alfo, That this A&t fhall not take Effect until ten States in the Union fhall have paffed Acts vefting Congrefs with fimilar Powers, and that the Prohibitions that fhall be made extend alike to all States.

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