328 Lifters to make return to General Assembly. Penalty for neglect. Berlin to be in the County of Hartford. Taxes to be paid by coafting Vessels. Naval Officer to give Cer tificate. Vessels not to be liable to further Tax for one Year. Lifters. Counties. Shipping. State or the Creditor shall be absent from the United States, or legally incapable to sue in his own Name, shall not be computed as a Part of the Time limited by this Act. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for directing Lifters in their Office and Duty. B Court affembled, and by the Authority of the E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Jame, That the Lifters of the several Towns in this State, shall make Return of the Lifts of their respective Towns to the General Affembly at their Sessions in October annually, on or before the fecond Tuesday after the Meeting of faid Afsembly, under the Penalty in faid Act annexed to the Neglect of returning the Lift. An Act in further Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for stating, limiting and naming the Counties in this State. B E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Berlin be included in, and Part of the County of Hartford. An Act in Alteration of a Law of this State, entitled, An Act for laying a Tax on Shipping, for repairing the Light-House near the Port of New-London. E it enafted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Taxes to be paid by coasting Vessels in Pursuance of an Act, entitled, An Act for laying a Tax on Shipping for repairing the Light-House near the Port of New-London, shall be as follows after the tenth Day of July next, viz. for each and every coasting Vessel of the Burthen of twenty Tons or more, the Sum of Twelve Shillings, annually; and if of less Burthen than twenty Tons, the Sum of Eight Shillings Lawful Money, annually; which Sums shall be paid the first Time such Vessel shall clear out at any NavalOffice after said tenth Day of July; and the Naval-Officer clearing out such Vessel small give a Certificate under his Hand and Seal of Office, of the Payment of the Tax imposed by this Act, to the Master of such coasting Vessel, and such Vessel shall not be liable from the Date of fuch Cer tificate to pay any further Tax for the Space of one Year, any Thing in faid Act notwithstanding. ACTS and LAWS, Made and passed in and by the General Court or Assembly of the State of CONNECTICUT, in AMERICA, holden at NewHaven, (in faid State) on the second Thurfday of October, Anno Domini, 1785.. An Act for erecting and establishing a new County. Tolland BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Towns of Towns in Tolland, Stafford, Bolton, Somers, Hebron, Willington, Union, and the Parish of Ellington, in East-Windfor, be, and they are hereby conftituted a County, by the Name of the County of TOLLAND. County. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That there shall be annually holden in said County, two County Courts, one on the third Times for holding Tuesday of March and September, in said Tolland; and one Superior courts. Court in Tolland, in said County, on the last Tuesday of January. And all Causes already instituted in the Counties of Hartford, or Windham, in Favour of, or against any Person or Persons in either of faid Towns, shall proceed to final Judgment and Execution, as though this Act had not been made. Provided nevertheless, That this Act, nor any Thing contained therein, shall have any Effect, until a proper and suitable Court-House and Goal, to be approved by this Assembly, shall, by voluntary Subscription, or otherwife, without taxing said County, be erected and provided in said Town of Tolland. Proviso. 330 No wear, &c. Fishery. An Act for regulating the Fishery, and removing Obstructions in Pawcatuck-River. B E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Wear, or other Obstruction, shall be erected, fet, or continued in any Part of to be erected Pawcatuck-River, dividing the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, in Pawcatuck upon Penalty of Eight Pounds for erecting, or setting the fame; and Four Pounds for every Twenty-four Hours any fuch Wear, or other Obstructions, shall be continued in faid River. river. Time when to fish in faid rivers Be it further enacted, That no Person or Persons, Citizens of this State, be permited to set, or draw any Sein or Seins in said Pawcatuck-River, from the Twentieth Day of March, to the first Day of June annually, excepting between Sun rifing on Monday Morning, and Sun rifing on Wednefday Morning in each Week, upon Penalty of Four Pounds for each and every Time fuch Sein shall be fet or drawn, otherwise than as aforefaid. That in fetting and drawing any Sein as aforesaid, at any Time from the faid Twentieth Day of March, to the First Day of June annually, no Perfon or Perfons shall be permited to drive the Fish in faid River, by thrafhing, beating, or in any other Way by Sounds, upon the Penalty of Two Pounds for each and every Offence. except, &c. Be it further enacted, That no Person or Persons be permited to fifh in faid River, except on the Days aforesaid, and fuch other Days as shall be appointed by the State of Rhode-Island, for the Benefit of the Citizens of that State, except with Hooks and Lines, upon the Penalty of Forty Shillings for each and every Offence. And to the End that the Fish may more freely pass to the various Sources of the faid River : When dams in faid river are to be o pened. Penalty. Be it further enacted, That yearly, and every Year from the Twentieth Day of March to the First Day of June, there be a Passage opened in the Mill-Dam below Pawcatuck-Bridge, and in all the other Dams in faid River, Ten Feet in Length from the Middle of faid River westerly. And the Owner or Owners, Occupier or Occupiers of any of the Dams aforefaid, who shall neglect or refuse to open a Passage or Passages aforefaid, on or before the faid Twentieth Day of March annually, shall forfeit the Sum of Four Pounds for every fuch Refufal or Neglect: And for every fucceeding Day's Refufal or Neglect to open a Paffage as aforesaid, from the faid Twentieth Day of March to the First Day of June annually, the Offender or Offenders shall forfeit the Sum of Forty Shillings. The one Half of all the Penalties imposed by this Act, shall be to him or them who shall fue for, and profecute to Effect; and the other Half to a public Treafury, according to Law: But if the Profecutions are brought forward by informing Officers, the Whole of faid Penalties shall be to the Ufe of the proper Treasury. And all informing Officers are directed to enquire after and due Presentment make of all Breaches of this Act. Be it further enacted, That no Suits in Law or Equity shall be instituDifputes, &c. ted or maintained by the Citizens of this State against the Citizens of the between the State of Rhode-Iland, for, or on Account of the Disturbances, Riots, and Breaches of the Peace that have heretofore taken Place between them, relative to the Fishery in Pawcatuck-River: And all Suits that may have been inftituted, as aforesaid, in the Matters aforesaid, shall cease and determine. citizens of this ftate & R.Ifland, relative to &c. to ceafe. And Coining.- Rates. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take Effect, and be in Force, from and after the First Day of March next : Provided the Legif lature of the State of Rhode-Island shall then have passed an Act, similar hereto, relative to Wears and Obstructions in faid River; relative to the Manner of Fishing; limiting to the Citizens of that State, within the Period aforesaid, two Days in each Week for fishing in faid River, by setting and drawing Seins therein, distinct from the Days appropriated to the Benefit of the Citizens of this State; relative to any other Mode of fishing in said River; relative to opening the Dams in faid River within the Period aforesaid; providing that an equal Extent of faid Dams, East of the Middle of faid River shall be opened by the Owners or Occupiers thereof, as is herein directed to be opened Weft of the Middle of faid River; relative to the Penalties and Forfeitures imposed by this Act; and as relative to Actions, or Causes of Action, between the Citizens of the refpective States, all upon Principles of perfect Reciprocity, or as foon after the faid First Day of March next, as the Governor of this State shall have received an authenticated Copy of fuch Act of the Legislature of the State of Rhode-Island, and shall have caused the fame to be made known to the People of this State by Proclamation. An Act to prohibit the coining of Copper, without E it enacted by the B An Act in Addition to the Statute made in May last, entitled, "An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, B An Act for collecting and paying Rates or Taxes." E Civil authority, &c. to abate taxes, provided &c. it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Civil Authority and Select-men be, and they hereby are authorized to make an Abatement in Whole or in Part, of any of the Rates or Taxes mentioned in faid Act, whether the Collector hath fettled the fame with the Treasurer or not: Provided it shall appear, on due Examination, that the Perfon upon whom the Tax or Rate was laid, hath not paid, or fecured to be paid to the Collector such Rate, and is unable to pay the same: And provided also, the whole Abaternents doth not exceed the one Twentieth Provided alPart of fuch Tax, as mentioned in faid Act. And in Cafe any Abate- fo. ments, 332 : Rates. ments shall be made on Taxes which have been fettled by any Collector with the Treafurer, the fame being received and allowed by the Treafurer, he is hereby authorized and directed to refund to fuch Collector the Amount of the Sums abated, in the same Specie, or paper Currency, in which it was paid to him. An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, B " An Act for collecting and paying Rates or Taxes." E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the Thirtieth Day of November, 1785, no Interest shall be computed upon any Tax granted by this State, and payable before that Time; but that from and after that Period, all such Interest shall cease and determine : And the Treasurer of this State, and all Collectors of Taxes due to him, are hereby directed to govern themselves accordingly. That no Interest granted be- shall be exacted or required on any Tax which is or shall be made pay After the 30th Nov. 1785, no interest to be 'computed on any tax that time, &c. Notes given to the Con necticut line of the army, &c. to be re. ceived promiscuously, &c. Lift of what may be re ceived for taxes, &c. to be published at the close of every affem bly. The treafu rer to infert in his war rants, &c. Sale by virtue of the treasurer's warrant, &c. to be made for specie, or &c. Collector's duty. able to the Treasurer of this State, from and after the faid Thirtieth Day of November, 1785; any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. That all Notes given to the Connecticut Line of the Army of the United States, and all Certificates for Interest on faid Notes, and Certificates for Interest on Monies loaned to this State issued by the Treasurer thereof, shall be received promifcuously on any Tax granted by this State, and for Duties upon Importation, and for Excife, for which either faid Notes or Certificates are now by Law receivable. That in Order that the good people of this State may receive the most clear and explicit Information in what Manner they may discharge their respective Taxes, and Duties upon Importation, and for Excise payable to the Treasurer of this State; an Account or Lift of whatever is made receivable upon every unfettled Tax, and for Impost, and Excise, shall be published at the Close of every Session of the General Assembly, by the Secretary of the State, under the Direction of the Legislature. That the Treasurer of this State be, and he hereby is directed to infert in every of his Warrants for collecting Taxes, whatever is by Law made receivable thereon. That every Sale, by Virtue of a Warrant issued by the Treasurer for collecting Taxes, or for other Purposes, shall be made either for Specie, or for whatever elfe can lawfully discharge the Tax, or other Object for which the Sale is made. And it shall be the Duty of every Collector of Taxes, who shall levy his Warrant on any Property for fatisfying any Tax, to infert in his Advertisements for Sale, and shall also give public Information at the Time when the Sale shall be made, of all, and whatever can lawfully be received in discharge of the Tax or Taxes for which such Levy hath been made. And that every Collector shall receive his levying Fees His fees how in whatever the Tax which he collects is made receivable, at the Option paid. of the Person charged therewith. That the Treasurer of this State, in fettling with, and paying the Collectors of State Taxes their Fees, and the Fees of Collectors of Impost, and |