صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Cafes, Civil and Criminal.

and Excise, pay or allow them therefor on their Rates or Taxes, and Ac-
counts in the Monies, Notes, and Certificates for which collecting Fees are
made payable in the same Monies, Notes, and Certificates, and in the Pro-
portions in which they are paid into his Hands.

That on all Taxes which shall become due and payable to the Treasurer
of this State, from and after the Thirtieth Day of November, 1785, the
Collectors Fees therefor shall be Six-pence on every Pound he shall col-
lect and pay into the Treasury, to be discharged in the Manner provided
by this Act, which shall be paid or allowed by the Treasurer of this State,
befides the Poft-mileage, as heretofore allowed.

And the levying Fees of every Collector of Taxes, which shall become due and payable after the faid Thirtieth Day of November, 1785, shall be One Shilling on every Tax not exceeding One Pound, and Six-pence on the Pound (befides the faid One Shilling which shall be allowed upon every fuch Levy) on every Pound for which the Levy is made, which levying Fees may be discharged in the Manner before directed.

And be it further enacted, That so far as the passing this Act shall alter the Fees of Collectors of State Taxes, on Taxes which shall become due and payable after the said Thirtieth Day of November, 1785, it shall operate as a Repeal of every Act of the General Affembly heretofore passed for the Purpose of regulating Collectors Fees.

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An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled,
"An Act for the Limitation of Profecutions in di-
"vers Cafes, Civil and Criminal."




it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General
Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Suit or Ac-
tion, either in Law or Equity, shall hereafter be brought or
tained against any Sheriff, Sheriff's Deputy, Conftable, or any other Per-
fon or Persons whatsoever, for any Neglect or Default of such Sheriff,
Sheriff's Deputy, or Conftable in their Office and Duty, but within two
Years next after the Right of Action shall accrue ; and that where the
Right of Action hath already accrued, no Action shall be brought or
maintained as aforesaid, but within two Years from the rifing of this Af-
sembly; any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided nevertheless, That Nothing in this Act shall extend to, or
affect any Feme Covert, or Minor under the Age of Twenty One
Years, during the Time of their respective Disabilities; but that they may
bring their Actions as aforesaid, at any Time within two Years next after
the Removal of such Disabilities; any Thing in this Act notwithstanding.

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Naval-Offcer for the

Navigation. Ferries. Trespasses.

An Act in further Addition to an Act, entitled, "An " Act for regulating of Navigation."


it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there shall be kept at the Port of Stonington, one Naval-Officer; who shall be port of Ston- nominated and deputed in the fame Way and Manner, and be subject to the fame Rules and Regulations that other Naval-Officers in this State by Law are.


The fare of

ferries to be

set in writing

at all ferry

places with

in this state.

An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled,
"An Act for regulating Ferries."

BE E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General
Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Owners of

the several Ferries within this State, shall, by the First Day of December next, and from that Time forward, keep up and maintain on each Side the River where such Ferry is kept, a Post, with the several Fares allowed by Law for fuch Ferry, writ thereon in large Capitals, and place fuch Post so near the Place where the Passengers enter the Boat used for such Ferry, that the fame, with the Writing thereon, shall be open and visible to fuch Passengers. And if any Owner or Owners of any Ferry, shall at any Time after the faid First Day of December next, fail or neglect, for one Week, at any Time, to keep up or maintain a Post in Manner and Form aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings; the one Half thereof to the Perfon or Persons who shall fue for the fame; and the other Half thereof to the Treasurer of the County wherein fuch Ferry is.



An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, "An Act for " detecting and punishing Trespasses in divers Cafes, " and directing Proceedings therein."

WHEREAS great Damage, Lofs, and Expence has been occafioned to

the Owners of Masts, Yards, and Spars floating down Connecticut River, by their being taken up, and towed into By-places.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Nomaft, &c. Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the which exrifing of this Affembly, no Person or Persons shall stop, take up, or inceeds 40 feet terrupt any Maft, Yard, or Spar, which exceeds forty Feet in Length, in length, afloat in Con- floating down Connecticut-River, within this State, above Middletown, necticut-ri- unless authorized thereto by the Owner, except he or they carry the same ver, to beta- into the Cove at Wethersfield. And whoever shall stop, take up, or inken up above Middletown terrupt any Mast, Yard, or Spar, contrary to this Act, shall be liable to double Damages that may accrue to the Owner of faid Mast, Yard, or Spar, to be by him recovered in any Court within this State proper to try the fame.

uniels, &c.


Highways. New-Haven City.

An Act directing Repairs of the Highways and Roads, used by the Stages carrying the public Mails.

HEREAS the Congress of the United States, have directed that the


future, be carried by the Stages ; and it is necessary Freamble.

that the public Roads be repaired immediately, on the Rout used by
the Stages.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Select-men of Bridges and the several Towns through which the Stages charged with the Mails pass, roads used by stages do immediately mend and repair the Bridges and Roads used by the Stages, that carry and keep the fame in good Repair: And upon Complaint made to the the mails, to County Court of any Neglect in fuch County, fuch Court shall order ne- be repaired, ceffary Repairs, and grant a Warrant against the Select-men of the Town &c. where such Neglect is found, to collect the Sums expended in Repairs from the Select-men of the Town or Towns so neglecting.

An Act in Addition to, and Alteration of an Act, entitled, "An Act for providing, altering, regulating, " and mending Highways."



is found that the Penalties in Jaid Act annexed, for neglect- Preamble.

ing to work in the Highways, are found infufficient to enforce Obedience
to faid Act: Therefore,

Penalty for neglecting to work in the

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Person shall refuse or neglect to work in the Highways, according to the Requisitions of faid Act, he shall forfeit for every Day's Neglect, viz. For a Person, the Sum of Three Shillings; and for a Man and Team, the Sum of Six highways. Shillings; any Provision in said Act notwithstanding.

An Act in Alteration of an Act, entitled, "An Act for

" incorporatinga Part of the Town of New-Haven."



it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the City of New-Haven be, and they are hereby authorized and impowered to The city of erect a Work-House within said City, and to make fuch By-Laws as faid New-Haven City shall judge necessary; relative to the Persons who may be committed to erect a to fuch Work-House; relative to the Manner of their being committed work-house; and confined therein; and relative to the well-ordering and governing &c. faid Work-House, and keeping the Persons confined therein to Labour.

Provided nevertheless, That such By-Laws shall be under the same Regulations, and liable to be repealed in the fame Way and Manner as the Proviso. By-Laws which said City are already authorized to make and pass.



A fign post to be erected in cach located fociety in this state.


ments of land taken by execution, &c.

to be posted on society fign-posts.


authority in focieties made out of

two or more


This act to

be in force


An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, "An Act for " erecting and continuing a Sign-Post in each Town " in this State."


it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there shall in

future be erected in each located Society in this State, by the Committee of fuch Societies respectively, and in fuch Situation as fuch Committee shall judge most convenient, a Sign-Poft, at the Cost of fuch Society, under the same Penalties as is by Law provided against Select-men for their Neglect to set up and maintain Sign-Posts in their several Towns, to be recovered of fuch Society Committee, in the same Way and Manner as is by Law provided against Select-men.

And be it further enacted, That Advertisements of Lands or Goods taken by Execution or Distress, for Rates and Taxes in fuch Societies refpectively, shall be posted on the Sign-Poft of the Society where such Lands or Goods are taken, and fold thereat. And the said Sign-Posts shall otherwife be improved for similar Purposes and Uses as Sign-Posts in the several Towns in this State have heretofore been improved according to Law.

Be it further enacted, That in such Societies as are made out of two or more Towns, the Conftables of fuch Towns shall have the fame Power and Authority in the Matters aforesaid, where the faid Sign-Posts shall be without the Limits of the Town to which they belong, as other Conftables by Law have within their respective Districts; any Law, Ufage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

This Act to take Effect and be in Force from and after the first Day of

after 1st Jan. January next.

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Made and passed by the General Court or Assembly.
of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford,
(in faid State) on the second Thursday of May,
Anno Domini, 1786.

An Act for the better methodizing and regulating the
public Accounts, and for effecting a speedy Settle-
ment of all outstanding Debts due to this State.



it enacted by

the Governor, Council and Representatives in General


Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there shall Comptroller be annually appointed by the General Affembly a Comptroller of all pub- to appoint a lic Accounts of this State; and the said Comptroller is hereby author- Clerk.

ised to appoint from Time to Time as he shall find necessary, one Clerk.

or more to assist him in his faid Office and Duty. And in order that the

said Comptroller may be enabled to execute the Duties of his Office, he
shall have free Access to the public Offices of the Treasurer, the Secreta- May have ac-
ry, and the Pay-Table, or any other public Offices or Records, with full cess to the
Power to examine all Books, Accounts, Documents or other Papers publicoffices

or Records.

whatsoever, that respect, or have any Relation to his faid Office and
Trust, and may call for any Acts, and Resolutions, and also for fuch
general or particular Abstracts or Statements of any and all public Ac-
counts as he shall judge necessary, in order to investigate their real situ-
ation. And it shall be the Duty of the faid Comptroller from Time to
Time diligently to examine, and state the amount of all the public Debts,
and Credits of this State with the United States, or with any public Of
ficer, or other Individual or Community whatever.

And in order to effect and bring about a speedy Settlement with such as are
indebted to this State,

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To ftate the public debts and credits of this state with

the U.States.

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