Retailers, &c. once in 6 months to exhibit a Ma nifefton oath. And all Retailers and Confumers of any Articles fubjected by Law to the Payment of Excife, fhall once in fix Months, that is to fay, on or before the first Day of January, and July in each Year, exhibit to the Collector of Excife or his Deputy, a true Manifeft in Writing, on Oath, of all fuch Goods on which the Excife hath not before been paid, and shall produce the original Invoices, or Bills of Parcels thereof as Vouchers, Shall produce and fhall, if required, give true Copies of all fuch Invoices or Bills of invoices, &c. Parcels to fuch Collector or his Deputy, and fhall pay the Excife by Law required on fuch Articles, or fecure the fame with Surety to the Satisfaction of fuch Collector or his Deputy, payable to the Treasurer of this State, one Half thereof at the End of three Months, and the other Half at the End of twelve Months from the Date of fuch Securities, and Intereft after payable until paid. And the Oath to be taken as aforefaid, fhall be in the Words following, viz.. "YOU fwear by the Name of the Everliving GoD, that the Manifeft you now exhibit to me is true, and that the Prices fet to the Articles "therein enumerated, are the Prices at which thofe Articles were bona fide bought, and that the fame contains all the Articles you have on Hand, or have fold by Retail, or confumed, or otherwife difpofed of Oath. "within fix Months laft paft, fubjected by Law to the Payment of Excife, on which the Excife hath not been paid, nor fecured to be paid; and that "the Invoices you now exhibit are the true Invoices, containing all the "Articles fpecified in faid Manifeft." So help you God. And every fuch Retailer or Confumer who fhall neglect or refuse to obferve and keep the Laws that are or fhall be made and in force concerning Excife, and being duly convicted thereof, fhall pay a Fine to the Penalty. Treasurer of this State, to the Amount of Fourfold the Sum of the Excife, which in the Judgment of the Court that fhall have Cognizance thereof, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo neglecting or refufing ought to have paid, and fhall pay Coft of Profecution. fentment. And it shall be the Duty of the Collector of Excife in each County, or his Deputy, as often as once in fix Months, to make due Prefentment to Collector to the Court of Common Pleas, in their refpective Counties, of all Breaches of make prethis Act, or to an Affiftant or Justice of the Peace, where, in the Opinion of fuch Collector the Nature of the Offence doth not require a greater Penalty than by the Laws of this State, fuch Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace may give Judgment for, and upon fuch Complaint fuch Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace may proceed to give Judgment for a Penalty not exceeding four Pounds. Former pro And all Prosecutions now depending against any Perfon or Perfons for the Breach of any Laws concerning Excife, fhall ceafe and determine upon fecutions to his or their first conforming to this Act, by paying the Excise according ceafe on pay to the Provifions thereof, and the Interest thereon from the Time fuch Ex- ment, &c. cife ought to have been paid, and paying Coft of fuch Profecution; any Law of this State notwithstanding. An Excife. Societies. Lifters. An Act in Addition to, and Alteration of an Act, in further Addition to an Alteration of an Act for levying and collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into this State by Land or Water, and one other A&t for laying an Excise on fundry Articles of Confumption within this State. BE E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the several Naval-Officers, Collectors of Impoft, and Collectors of Excife, duly appointed and qualified, fhall on the firft Days of April and September annually, render to the Committee of Pay-Table, a true Account of all the Monies collected, and feveral Kinds of Securities received for Impost or Excife by them or their Deputies, and pay and deliver to the Treasurer of this State, the Monies collected, or Certificates for Intereft received as aforefaid, taking duplicate Receipts therefor, one of which fhall be by them lodged in the Office of the Committee of Pay-Table; any Law to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Collectors of Excife, in rendering their Accounts as aforefaid, fhall ftate the Amount of the Excife received in each Town from which they are impowered to collect, as alfo from the Individuals; and that the Committee of Pay-Table fhall from Time to Time tranfmit a Copy of the Account of Excise, rendered by the Collector of Excife to the Clerk of the County Court in the County to which faid Collector belongs. An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, "An Act for forming, ordering, and regulating So"cieties." WHEREAS in and by faid Alt where two, or more Societies conftituted by Act of the General Affembly, have the fame Limits, and Boundaries, and there happens to be new Inhabitants within faid Limits, provision is made to which of faid Societies they shall belong; but no provifion is therein made to which of the faid Societies the Taxes arifing on the Lands of non-refident Proprietors shall belong, which occafions much Difficulty and Difpute; which to prevent, BE E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in all Cafes where there now are or hereafter fhall be, two or more Societies within the fame Limits conftituted as aforefaid, the Society Taxes arifing on all Lands and other Eftate belonging to Non-Refident Proprietors, fhall be, and belong to the Society lowest in the Lift within fuch Limits which fupport the Miniftry by taxing. A& An Act in Addition to an Act for the direction of BE E it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Meadow lands in Mid- Lands in the Towns of Middletown, Haddam, East-Haddam and Chat Meadow dletown, &c. ham, Judges. Sheep. 345 ham, in the County of Middlefex, whether improved for Plowing or Mowing, fhall be fet in the Lift at Fifteen Shillings per Acre, except Bog how fet in the Meadow, which Bog Meadow, and all other Lands in faid County of lift. Middlefex, and in the County of Tolland, fhall be fet in the Lift at the fame Rate as the Lands in the Counties of New-London and Windham. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, " An A&t for conftituting Judges and Juftices of the Peace in this State, and for impowering and directing them in their respective Offices." E it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives, in General BE Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future Uncle, &c. where it fhall fo happen, that there fhall be fo near a Relation between by marriage any Judge or Juftice, and any of the Parties, as between Uncle and Ne- not to judge. phew, either by Nature or Marriage, fuch Judge or Juftice fhall have no Power to Vote, or give Sentence therein; any thing in faid former Act notwithstanding. B An Act for the Encouragement of raifing Sheep. Sheep to be E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Owners of any Sheep in this State, after the firft Day of January 1787, may annually during the Continuance of this Act, infert, and certify in their several Lifts of Polls and Rateable Estate, given into the Lifters of the refpec- credited in tive Towns to which they belong, an Account of the Number of grown lifts. Sheep which they feverally owned at the Time of fhearing, from which a Coat, or Fleece of Wool was fhorn, or taken in the Seafon next preceding the giving in fuch Lift while their Property. And thereupon the faid Lifters in making up the Lifts of Eftate as aforefaid, fhall credit, and deduct from the Sum Total of the Lifts of fuch Owners of Sheep, to the Amount and at the Rate of Four Shillings per Head for each fuch Sheep fhorn as aforefaid. And the faid Lifters fhall alfo annually transmit to the General Affembly, in their Return of the Lifts of their refpective Towns, the whole Number of Sheep in each Town, inferted in the Lifts as aforefaid. to be four Be it further Enacted and Provided, That if fuch Lifters by inspecting the Lifts of rateable Estate as the Law directs, fhall find that any Perfon or Perfons have inferted in their faid Lift, any greater Number of Sheep than Perfons givwere actually owned and fhorn as aforefaid, it fhall be the Duty of ing falfe lifts fuch Lifters to add to the Lift of fuch Perfon or Perfons the whole Sum folded. which by Virtue of this Act they had deducted; and alfo at the Rate of Sixteen Shillings per Head for each furplus Number inferted as aforefaid. executions, &c. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any Number of Sheep, not exceeding Twenty, the Property of any one Perfon, fhall not Sheep exbe liable to be taken, or disposed of by Warrant, or Execution for any empted from Tax or Debt whatsoever, from and after the rifing of this Affembly, and during the continuance of this Act; and this Act fhall be, and remain in force until the firft Day of January, which will be in the Year One Thoufand, Seven Hundred and Ninety. A a a An 346 Additional duty on nails imported. Provifo. Duty. An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, "An Act for levying and collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into this State by Land or Water." B E it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Reprefentatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That a Duty of One Half Penny lawful Money, in Addition to any Duty already laid, shall be paid on each Pound of Nails imported into this State by Land or Water, from and after the first Day of January next, for the Term of five Years, to be collected and paid in the fame Manner as is already provided by Law in regard to Duty on other Articles. Provided, That nothing in this Act fhall extend to Nails wrought of manufactured in thefe United States. ACTS and LAWS, Made and paffed by the General Affembly of the State of Connecticut, in America, holden at New-Haven, on the fecond Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1786. 347 An Act in Alteration of a Law of this State, entitled, "An Act vesting the United States in Congrefs af"fembled, with Power to regulate the Commerce "of the United States." W HEREAS the Powers and Authorities given and granted, are by faid Act to continue in Force for the Term of Fifteen Years, from the Time of paffing faid Act; which is diffimilar in Point Preamble, of Duration, to the Authority granted by other States, for the Purpose of regulating Trade. To remedy which Inconvenience, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Powers and Authorities given and granted to the United States, in Congrefs affembled, by the aforefaid Act, fhall continue and be in Force for the Term of Fifteen Years, from and after the Time Congress shall begin to exercise the fame any Thing in faid Act notwithstanding. Powers, &c. grefs, to continue 15 yeare from, &c. granted Con |