Duty. Gaming. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, "An Act for "the levying a Duty on certain Articles of Goods, " Wares and Merchandize imported into this State, BE it by Land or Water. it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Master of every Vessel or Boat under the Burthen of Thirty-five Tons, coming into any Port, Harbour, River or Creek in this State, from any Place out of this State, shall, within Twenty-four Hours after arriving in fuch Port, Harbour, River or Creek, and before breaking Bulk, make true Reports or Entries, at the Office of the Naval-Officer, or his Deputy, in the respective Towns in which such Vessel or Boat arrives; and fuch Masters shall obey all fuch Customs, Rules, Laws and Regulations as have, or shall be made relative thereto, as is prescribed in the last Paragraph of an Act, entitled, "An Act for the Regulation of Navigation, and on the Neglect, or Refusal of fuch Master, to comply with this Regulation, fuch Vessel or Boat upon Seizure, and Information made to the Court, proper to try the fame, shall be liable to Condemnation, in the fame Way and Manner, and according to the Directions of faid Paragraph, for the Breaches thereof. An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, " An Act against Gaming." BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Person or Persons in this State, of what Rank, or Quality foever, shall play at Billiards, every such Person shall pay as a Fine, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, for every such Offence. And the Head of every Family where any fuch Game is used with his, or her Privity, or Confent, shall pay in like Manner, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, for each Time any fuch Game is used in his, or her House, whether fuch Game shall be used at a publick or private House; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person, or Persons who shall have, or keep in his, her, or their Custody or Poffeffion at any Time after the Twentieth Day of November next, any Billiard Table, shall forfeit and pay to the Treasurer of the Town in which the same shall be kept, the Sum of Forty Shillings Lawful Money; and the like Sum for every Time, as often as any fuch Billiard-Table shall be found in the Custody or Possession of any Person or Persons whatsoever, after the Time aforesaid; which Fines shall be recovered, and difpofed of in the fame Manner as is provided for the Recovery and Disposition of other Fines, by the Act aforesaid. An ! 1 An Act in further Addition to the Law of this State, B E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Executions that are, or shall be issued by the Treasurer of this State, for Arrearages of Taxes against the Goods and Chattles of the Inhabitants of any Town, which hath been, or shall be divided, or altered, or hath had, or may have any Part thereof annexed to other Towns, after the Date of the Lifts, on which such Taxes are granted, shall be levied on the Goods and Chattles of the Inhabitants, within the ancient Limits of fuch Towns, fo divided or altered, in the same Manner, and for the fame Purposes as by Law might have been done, in Cafe no new Township, Divifion or Alteration had been made within such Limits. 349 Treasurer's executions ifsued against towns that are or may be divided, to be fettled in the same way as if faid divifi on had not taken place. And the Civil Authority and Select-Men of the Towns within such ancient Limits, shall jointly make the Abatements, allowed by Law, on Authority & select-men of, Taxes granted on the Lifts, given in before the Division or Alteration &c. to make of fuch Towns, and may do all Things proper to be done by them, or any abatements, of them for the Settlement of the Business of their ancient Towns, in the &c. fame Manner as might have been done, in Cafe no such Division or Alteration had ever been made. : An Act in further Addition to a Law of this State, WHEREA دو HEREAS the Term of fix Months allowed by Law, for Appli- the Lifts of Persons over-charged (in divers Cafes) is found to be incon- Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in No abatements to be made after the 20th of April. Abatements to be lodged in the TownClerk's Office &c. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future, Mules to be An 350 N. Officers to take sufficient Duties. Military. Jurors. An Act in Addition to the Law of this State, entitled, BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in all Cafes, where the Naval-Officers are by Law allowed to take Bond for furety or fure- fecuring the Payment of any Duty, or Duties, on the Importation of Rum, ties for paymentofduties or any other Articles into this State, they, and every of them, shall re on rum, &c. quire and take good and sufficient Surety, or Sureties in fuch Bonds; An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, "An Act for " forming, regulating, and conducting the Military "Force of this State. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Military Companies in the Town of Stratford, together with the Military Companies now under the Command of Joseph Sherwood, and David Sherman, Part whereof belong to the Town of Stratford, and Part to the ment named Town of Fairfield, shall be, and remain one entire Regiment, distinguished 28th regi and limited. and called by the Name of the Twenty-eighth Regiment; and shall be under the fame Rules and Orders, and have the same Powers, Privileges, and Advantages as other Regiments in this State by Law have, and are, and shall belong to the Fourth Brigade. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, "An Act for B the Name of each Town annexed, viz. Norwich, i Franklin, Lisbon, Four, Farmington, Eight, Number in cach town. Bozrah, Four, Berlin, Six, New-Haven, Ten, Bristol, Five, Hamden, Six, Middletown, Eighteen, Haddam, Ten, North-Haven, Six, Chatham, Ten, New-London, Ten, Montville, Six, East-Haddam, Windham, Ten, Killingworth, Ten. Hampton, Six, { NEW-HAVEN; PRINTED BY THOMAS AND SAMUEL GREEN. ACTS AND LAWS, Made and passed by the General Court or Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, in said State, on the second Thursday of May, A. D. 1787. W HEREAS the United States in Congrefs affembled, have by their Resolution of the 13th of April, 1787, recommended to the several States to repeal all fuch Acts, and Parts of Acts, of their several Legislatures, as may be now existing in any of the faid States, repugnant to the Treaty of Peace, between the United States and Great-Britain; and that each State pass such Act of Repeal, whether any fuch exceptionable Act is exifting in such State, or not; and that rather by defcribing than reciting fuch Act, for the purpose of obviating all Disputes and Questions between the United States and Great-Britain, relative to faid Treaty; and although there hath been no Complaint, or Suggestion, officially or otherwise, that there is any Act, or Part of an Act existing in this State repugnant to faid Treaty; yet this Assembly being at all Times disposed to conform to the true Intent, and Spirit of the Articles of Confederation, and to prevent and remove (fo far as to this Assembly doth appertain) all Causes of Difpute and Contention, and every just Ground of Complaint, have thought it fit to Enact. And, : Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That such of the Acts, or Parts of Acts of the Legislature of this State, as are repugnant to the Treaty of Peace between the United States and his Britannic Majefty, or any Article thereof shall be, and hereby are repealed. Preamble. Acts repugnant to the Treaty repealed. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Courts of Law and Equity within this State be, and they hereby are directed and re- Courts of law quired in all Causes and Questions cognizable by them respectively, and and equity to arifing from, or touching faid Treaty, to decide and adjudge according to adjudge acthe Tenor, true Intent and Meaning of the fame. Any Thing in the faid cording to Acts, or Parts of Acts to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwithstanding. the Treaty. An Act in addition to, and alteration of an Act, entitled, an Act for regulating Fees, and to repeal a certain Paragraph of an Act, entitled, an Act for establishing the Wages of the Judges of the Supe Fees and fal aries. rior Court. E it BE enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future, the Wages and Allowances of the several public Officers hereafter mentioned shall be as follows, viz.-To the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of Er- Court of Errors, Fifteen Shillings per Diem, and to the other Judges of faid Court Twelve Shillings per Diem, each during their actual Attendance respectively. rors. Delegates. Sup. Court. To the Delegates of this State in lieu of Salary and all Expences, Thirty Shillings per Diem whilft going to, attending on, and returning from the Congress of the United States. To the Chief Judge of the Superior Court a Salary of Two Hundred Judges of the and Twenty-five Pounds per Annum, and to the rest of the Judges of the Superior Court a Salary of Two Hundred Pounds each per Annum, in lieu of Day Wages and Expences, except dining Expences for the Court. Clerk of faid Sheriffs. Clerks. Paragragh repealed. New Milford Court insti tuted to have a Clerk, &c. To the Clerk of the Superior Court a Commission of Two and an Half per Centum on all Monies received as the Avails of faid Court, and by him paid over to the Treasurer of this State. To the several Sheriffs for distributing the public Laws and Proclamations, and for their actual Attendance on the Assembly at the Election, each Forty Shillings. To Clerks employed in any of the public Offices of this State, a Sum not exceeding Eight Shillings per Diem for the Term of Six Months next after the rifing of this Affembly, and subsequent to that Term of Time a Sum not exceeding Six Shillings per Diem, whilst in actual employ. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the first Paragraph of a Law of this State, entitled, An Act for establishing the Wages of the Judges of the Superior Court, be, and the fame is hereby repealed and made null and void. An Act in addition to an Act, entitled, an Act for conftituting and regulating Courts and appointing the Times and Places for holding the same. B E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives in General Court afsfembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Towns of New-Milford and Kent, and the North Society in New-Fairfield, shall be one Probate District, and shall be called by the Name of the Diftrict of New-Milford. And be it further enacted, That the Court of Probate in said District shall be held and kept by one Judge to be appointed and commissioned for that purpose, which Judge shall have a Clerk, by him to be appointed, and sworn to the Office, and the faid Court of Probate shall have all the Powers and Authorities which other Courts of Probate in this State by Law have. Provided |