Courts. County. Ferries. 353 Provided nevertheless, That all matters now depending and unfinished in any of the Courts of Probate in whose Districts the aforesaid Towns Proviso. and Society are included, shall be finished in such Court. An Act in addition to a Law of this State, entitled, an Act for constituting and regulating Courts, and appointing the Times and Places for holding the fame. E Times of holding county courts in Middlesex B An Act in addition to, and alteration of an Act, enti- BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives in General the Time of holding the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Tolland, shall be on the first Tuesday of March annually, instead of the third Tuesday of March, which heretofore has been the Time of holding faid Court; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. An Act for stating the Fare of Stratford Ferry over DE B Times of holding county courts in Tolland county. it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Fare of faid Stratford Ferry shall be as follows, to wit, For a single Man One-penny half-penny, for a Man, Horse and Load Three-pence, for a lead Horse Twopence, for an Oxor any other Neat Kine Four-pence, for every two wheeled Fare of StratCarriage with one Man and a draft Horse Six-pence, for every tour wheel- ford Ferry. ed Carriage, one Man and a draft Horse Nine-pence, and for every additional Person or Horse, or other Beast, the fame as is afore stated in like Cates, and for a Goat, Swine, or Sheep, Three-farthings. An Act in alteration of an Act, entitled an Act for Regulating Ferries. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Fare of a Team and Load at the Ferry in Hartford, be One Shilling, and Sixpence, and for a Waggon, Horses, and Load, One Shilling. An Fare of Hart ford Ferry. An Act for the Encouragement of the raising of Hemp. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Persons in this State may annually during the continuance of this Act, insert in their several Lifts of Polls and rateable Estate given in to the Lifters of the respective Towns to which fuch Persons belong, an Account to be deduct- of the Quantity of Land which they shall have feverally fowed with 40s. per acre ed from the lift for land fowed with hemp. Lifters to Hemp, in the Season next preceeding the giving in such List, and And be it further enalted, That if such Lifters by inspecting the Lifts fourfold, &c. been sown with Hemp than was actually fowed with Hemp, it shall be the Duty of fuch Lifters, to add to the Lift of fuch Person or Persons Fourfold the Sum deducted as aforesfaid. Land ex And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Land sowempted from ed with Hemp in the Seafon next preceeding the giving in the Lift of the lift. Duty on imand cordage. ported hemp Provifo. Continu ance. Duty of 3s. per quintal on fith im ported. Proviso. rateable Estate, shall be exempted from fuch Lifts. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That a Duty of Six Shillings shall be paid on each Hundred Weight of Hemp or Cordage imported into this State by Land or Water, from and after the first Day of May A. D. 1789; which Duties shall be collected and paid in the fame Manner as is already by Law provided for the Collection and Payment of Duties on other imported Articles. Provided, That nothing in this Act shall extend to the Growth or 1 And it is further enacted, That this Act shall continue in Force for the An Act in addition to an Act, entitled, an Act for en- E BB it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future there shall be a Duty of Three Shillings Lawful Money on each Barrel or Quintal of Fish, which shall be imported or fold within this State, not caught by fome of the Subjects of this, or the United States; and that the Monies arising thereon, be appropriated towards the support of civil Government; to be collected in the same Manner, and under the same Penalties, as Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into this State by. Land or Water. And it is further enacted, That when any Question shall arise pursuant to the Provifions of this Act, by whom such Fish were caught, the burthen of Proof shall lye on the Importer thereof. : ACTS and LAWS, Made and passed by the General Court or Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven, in said State, on the second Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1787. An Act impowering Judges of the Court of Common Pleas to depute indifferent Persons to serve Executions in certain Cases. E it enacted by B And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in all Cafes where Sheriffs have already obtained Executions against the Inhabitants of any Towns, or any Part of them in the Manner aforesaid, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in each County, may depute fome Person to serve the fame as aforesaid. Incaseswhere sheriffs receive & levy thetreasurer's executions on estates of inhabitants of towns in arrears, & take receipts for the fame, on livery, &c. the courts of failure of de common pleas to appoint fomeother person to ferve & make return, &c. Where sherishs have already obtained executions then, &c. 356 Judges and Justices. Fees. Taxes. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for conftituting Judges and Justices of the Peace in this State, and for impowering and directing them in their respective Offices. B Naval-Officers fees, for coasting vef fels. feft, 3s. E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General of County Courts, and Justices of the Quorum respectively, shall have Authority, and Authority is hereby granted them, to issue Process, returnable to the Courts to which they respectively belong, in all Civil Matters to be served in any Part of this State. An Act in Alteration to an Act, entitled, An Act for regulating Fees, &c. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future the Fees to Naval-Officers for the Clearance of a coasting Vessel, bound either to the State of New-York or Rhode-Island, under the Burthen of Twenty Tons, Carpenter's Tonnage, shall be Three Shillings. And be it further enacted, That the Fees for receiving a Manifest for a For a mani- Vessel of less than Twenty Tons, Carpenter's Measure, shall be Three Shillings: Any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Masters of all Vessels who shall neglect to clear out their Vessels according to Law, shall incur a Forfeiture of Forty Shillings Lawful Money for every such Neglect; one Moiety thereof to the Treasury of this State, and the other Moiety to him who shall complain and profecute the fame to Effect; to be heard and determined by any one Assistant or Justice of the Peace, from whose Judgment therein no Appeal shall be allowed. Penalty of 40s. for neglecting to clear out Coating ver. fels. No town liable to the collector of rates An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Town shall be chargeable with, or liable to the Collector for any of the Rates of the Inhabitants of such Town, who shall be committed to Goal therefor by such Collector, or the Cost and Charges occafioned by fuch Commitment; nor shall the Treasurer issue an Execution in Favour of fuch Collector against the Select-Men of such Town, unless such Commitgoal, unless, ment be made within eight Months from and after such Rates become for inhabi tants committed to &c. Cafes where taxes have become due, no town liable, &c. un lefs, &c. due and payable: Any Thing in faid Act to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted, That in all Cafes where Taxes have already become due and payable, no Town shall be chargeable with, or liable to the Collector for suth Taxes due from the Inhabitants of such Town, or Cost as aforesaid, unless the same shall have been proceeded with in the Manner before directed, within fix Months from and after the rifing of this Affembly. An Rates. Fields and Fences. Nuisances. An Act in Explanation of a Law of this State, entitled, An Act for collecting and paying Rates and Taxes. WHEREAS it is provided in faid Aft, "That if fuch Collector shall 357 " deliver up his Rate Bill into the Hands of the Select-Men, they Preamble. " are hereby impowered to depute some meet Person to collect what " remains uncollected thereon, and the same shall be accounted for in Favour " of faid Collector." In the Construction of which Paragraph a Doubt has arifen, whether any Person, deputed as aforesaid, becomes thereby vested with Power to levy any Warrant for the Collection of fuch Taxes : And the Collection of Taxes has thereby, in some Instances, been much delayed and obStructed. Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in all Cafes where any Perfon or Persons heretofore have been, or hereafter shall be deputed by the Select-Men of any Town, agreeably to the Provision of faid Act, such Person or Perfons, deputed as aforesaid, does and shall thereby become fully, and in all Respects vested with the fame Rights, Powers, and Authorities, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, and is and shall be at all Times under the same Regulations as fuch Collector so delivering up his Rate Bill, as aforesaid, was before invested with. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for ordering and regulating Fields and Fences. BE it Collectors Owners and it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General shall fence and improve any particular Fields or Inclosures in severalty An Act in Addition to and in Alteration of an Act, entitled, An Act for preventing, punishing, and removing Nuisances in High-Ways, Rivers, and Water-Courses. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Gate or Fence shall hereafter be fet up or erected upon or across the public Post Road in this State, leading from New-York to New-London and Newport, in common to maintain fields equally No gate, &c. - 1 |