صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


from the General Affembly, &c.


Claufe of an

Fisheries. Jurors.

Newport, without Permiffion therefor firft had and obtained from the General Affembly. And that from and after the tenth Day of June next, any Gate or Fence ftanding or being upon faid Poft Road, by Virtue of Licence heretofore obtained from any County Court, shall be deemed a Nuisance, and may be removed accordingly: Any Law, Ufage, or Custom to the contrary, in any wife, notwithstanding.

An Act in Alteration of an Act, entitled, An A&t for encouraging and regulating Fisheries.


HEREAS in and by faid Act it is, among other Things, enacted, "That no Perfon or Perfons fhall draw any Sein, or other Fish-Craft, "in any of the Rivers before mentioned in this A&t, except between "the fetting of the Sun on Monday Evening, and the Sun's rifing on Satur"day Morning in each Week, in the Months of April, May, and June, annually, on Penalty of forfeiting Ten Pounds, to the Ufe of him who shall fue for and profecute the fame to Effect:" Which faid Provifion is found not to answer the Purposes intended to have been anfwered by the faid recited Claufe.


Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in act repealed. General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid recited Clause be, and the fame is hereby repealed.

Times limited for drawing feins, &c.


Jurors to be chofen.

And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall draw any Sein, or other Fish-Craft, in any of the Rivers mentioned in any Paragraph of said Act, preceding faid recited Claufe, except between the setting of the Sun on Monday Evening, and the Sun's rifing on Saturday Morning, in each Week in the Months of April, May, and June, annually, on Penalty of forfeiting Four Pounds; one Half to the Ufe of him who fhall fue for and profecute the fame to Effect; and the other Half to the Use of the Treasurer of the Town where the Offence is committed: Which Penalty may be fued for and recovered before an Affiftant, or Justice of the Peace; and no Appeal fhall be allowed in fuch Cafe.

Provided, That nothing in this Act fhall extend to repeal any Part of the Law of this State, entitled, An A&t for regulating the Fishery, and removing Obstructions in Pawcatuck River.

An Act in Addition to, and Alteration of an Act for
providing and regulating of Jurors in Civil Actions.

BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General
Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the feveral
Towns hereafter named, fhall chufe the Numbers of Jury Men to
the Name of each Town annexed, viz.

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Any Thing in faid Act to the contrary notwithstanding.


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Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, in said State, on the second Thursday of May, Anno Dom. 1788.

An Act for instituting, defining, and regulating the
Office of Comptroller of the public Accounts.


it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That there fhall be annually appointed by the General Affembly, a Comptroller of all public Accounts of this State, with Power to appoint, from Time to Time, one Clerk, or more if neceffary, to affift him in his Office and Duty.

That the faid Comptroller fhall have Power to fuperintend all Matters that refpect the Subject of the Finances of the State, and fhall advise as to the Mode of keeping, ftating, adjusting, and liquidating the public Accounts, fubject to the Controul and Order of the General Affembly: And shall take fuitable Care that the regular and neceffary Checks, in the Mode of keeping Accounts, be inftituted and maintained, and lay before the Legislature, at the opening of each Seffions, fuch Plans and Calculations, as in his Opinion may be expedient; for leffening the public Expences; for ufing and improving the public Monies to the beft Advantage; for promoting Frugality and Economy in the public Expenditures; for fupporting the Credit of the State; and, in general, for the well ordering and regulating the Bufinefs of his Department.

E e c


Comptroller to pointed.

be annually ap

To fuperintend

the finances.

To lay before the Legislature.. culations.

plans and cal.


To ftate the

public debts and credits of this

State with the

United States,


To liquidate


To iffue certif. cates for intereft.

To examine into

the state of public taxes, and re

port abuses.

To inftitute fuits.

To exhibit accounts to the



And it fhall, in particular, be the Duty of fuch Comptroller, from Time to Time, diligently to examine and ftate the Amount of the public Debts and Credits of this State, with the United States, or with any Community, public Officer, or Individual whatever; to liquidate all Accounts due from this State to any Perfon or Perfons, pursuant to fuch Orders as have been given to the Pay-Table Committee, or which may be given to him by the General Affembly; to keep the proper Accounts, and to draw Orders on the Treasury for Payment; to compute the Interest annually due on the State Obligations, as they fhall be prefented to him by the Owners of them; to make out the proper Certificates of fuch Intereft accordingly, and keep the regular Accounts in fuch Manner as heretofore has been done by the Treasurer of this State, according to Law; to examine, from Time to Time, into the state of Collection of Taxes; to point out the Causes of Delay in fuch Collections, with what may, in his Opinion, tend to remove them; to fee that the Officers of Government employed in that Department, and in every other Department of the Revenue, faithfully execute their respective Duties, and to report to the General Affembly all fuch as may appear to be chargeable with Abufe of their respective Trufts; to inftitute Suits at Law, in the Name of this State, against any and every Perfon or Perfons, or Body of Men, who have received any public Money, or Property, by any Way or Means whatfoever, and who have not regularly accounted for the fame, (the Collectors of State Taxes only excepted) and for this Purpose may employ an Attorney or Attornies under him, to fue therefor, and the fame to pursue to final Judgment and Execution: And the Officer who fhall collect the Monies on fuch Execution, and all other Perfons who fhall, by the Appointment or Order of fuch Comptroller, receive the Monies of this State, fhall pay the fame to the Treafurer, taking duplicate Receipts therefor, and lodge one of them with the Secretary, and the other with the Comptroller.

Further, It fhall be the Duty of fuch Comptroller, to exhibit to the General Affembly in May and October annually, and oftner if thereto General Affem required, an Account of all Monies received into the Treafury on Taxes, with the Abatements made on faid Taxes, on Impoft and Excife, for Fines, Forfeitures, Penalties, or Confifcations, or by any Way or Means whatever, with all Debts due to this State, and from whom, and alfo a particular Statement of the Appropriation of Monies received in as aforefaid.

Books and accounts of the

Pay-Table to be delivered to him.

To have acceís

to the public of fices & records.

Comptroller &c.


And in order that the faid Comptroller may be enabled to execute the Duties of his Office, all the Books, Accounts, Vouchers, Documents, and Papers whatever, now appertaining to the Pay-Table Office, fhall be delivered to him, as incident to his faid Office, and he fhall have free Accefs to the public Offices of the Treasurer and Secretary, and all other public Offices and Records, with full Power to examine all Books and Papers therein, that have Relation to his faid Office.

And be it further enacted, That the faid Comptroller, with fuch other to audit public Perfon or Perfons as the General Affembly may from Time to Time appoint, faall annually audit the public Accounts with the Treafurer, in fuch Manner as that the Debts and Credits may be fully known, as far as the State of the Accounts from Time to Time, will admit, and a regular Statement thereof lay before the General Affembly.at their Seffions in May annually.


Manufactures. Invalids.


Orders on the

And be it further enacted, That no Orders hereafter to be drawn upon Treafurer to be the Treasurer, shall be paid until the fame shall be entered on the Comp- entered on the troller's Books, and a Certificate of fuch Entry fhall by him be endorfed Comptroller's on fuch Orders.

This Act to continue and be in force two Years, from and after the rifing of this Affembly.

An Act for the Encouragement of certain Manufactures within this State.

WHEREAS all due Encouragement should be given to Manufactures in

this State.



company ex

empted from taxation.

Be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Governor, Council, Buildings of the and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the manufacturing fame, That all fuch Buildings as fhall be appropriated to, and employed in the Manufacture of Woolen Cloth, by the Company lately formed in the City of Hartford, and its Vicinity, for the Purpose of establishing and carrying on fuch Manufactory within this State, fhall be, and the fame are hereby exempted from any Tax or Affeffment, for the Term of five Years: And that the Polls of every Perfon whatever, who shall conftantly labour at faid Manufactory, fhall, in like Manner, be exempted from the List of Polls and rateable Eftate, for the Term of two Years next after the rifing of this Affembly.

And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Bounty of One-penny on the Pound upon all Woolen Yarn, that fhall be fpun and Bounty. made into Cloth at faid Manufactory, before the first Day of June, One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-nine, fhall be paid to faid Company, or their Agent, for the Ufe of faid Company, out of the public Treafury of this State, upon due Proof made thereof by Oath, or otherwise fatisfactorily, to the Comptroller of public Accounts in this State, who fhall thereupon draw Orders therefor accordingly.

empted from af.

And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Owners of Iron-works exall Iron-Works within this State, except Slitting-Mills, fhall be, and they felments. are hereby freed and excufed from any Affeffiment for, or on Account of fuch Iron-Works, during the Pleafure of this Affembly; any Law to the contrary notwithstanding.

An Act providing for the Relief of difabled Officers,
Soldiers, and Seamen.

WHEREAS the United States in Congress affembled, by their Refolve of
the Seventh of June, 1785, recommended to the feveral States to make
Provifion for the Relief of Officers, Soldiers, and Seamen, who have
been disabled in the Service of the United States, refiding in each refpective
State: And whereas by Means of faid Refolve, it has become expedient for
this State, to make Provifion for Perfons fo difabled in the Service of the United
States, as alfo for Persons who have been difabled in the Service of this State :




to be made out.


Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That two complete Lifts be forthwith made out, of all Perfons claiming any Penfion or Allowance Lifts of invalids from this State, in Confequence of any Disability contracted in the Service of the United States, or of this State. In one of which Lifts shall be expreffed the Names, Pay, Age, and Disability of each Invalid in the Service of the United States; as alfo the Regiment, Corps, or Ship to which he belonged; a Copy of which shall be tranfmitted to the Office of the Secretary at War, within one Year from the rifing of this Affembly; and a like Copy of faid defcriptive Lift of Invalids, fhall from Year to Year, be annually tranfmitted to the Office of the Secretary at War: In the other of faid Lifts fhall be expreffed the Names, Pay, Age, and Difability of each Invalid, who fhall receive any Penfion or Allowance, on Account of any Difability contracted while in the Service of this State, as alfo the Regiment, Corps, or Ship to which he belonged; a Copy of which Lift, as alfo of the Lift before mentioned, shall annually be laid before the General Affembly of this State.

duce a certifi

That no Officer, Soldier, or Seaman, fhall be confidered as an Invalid, or intitled to Pay, unless he hath, or fhall produce a Certificate from the Invalids to pro- commanding Officer or Surgeon of the Regiment, Ship, Corps, or Company in which he ferved, or from a Phyfician or Surgeon of a military Hofpital, or other good and fufficient Teftimony, fetting forth his Difability, and particularly fpecifying whether fuch Difability was contracted in the Service of the United States, or of this State.

That all commiffioned Officers, within the above Defcription, difabled in the Service of the United States, or of this State, fo as to be wholly Penfion to difa incapable of military Duty, or of obtaining a Livelihood, fhall be allow

bled officers.


Penfion to difabled privates.

Judges of the

to examine and

ed a Penfion equal to one Half of their Pay refpectively, while in Service: And all commiffioned Officers, as aforefaid, who fhall not have been difabled in fo great a Degree, fhall be allowed a Penfion which fhall correfpond with the Degree of their Difability, compared with that of an Officer wholly disabled.

Provided nevertheless, That no Officer difabled in the Service of the United States, who fhall have accepted his Commutation for half Pay, fhall be intitled to receive any Allowance, by Virtue of this Act, until he fhall first have returned his Commutation.

That all non-commiffioned Officers and Privates, within the aforefaid Defcription, difabled in the Service of the United States, or of this State, fo as to be wholly incapable of military or garrifon Duty, or of obtaining a Livelihood by Labour, fhall be allowed a Sum not exceeding five Dollars per Month. And all non-commiffioned Officers and Privates, as aforefaid, who fhall not have been difabled in fo great a Degree, fhall be allowed fuch Sum as fhall correfpond with the Degree of their Difability, compared with that of a non-commiffioned Officer or Private wholly difabled.

That the Judges of the Superior Court, or any two of them, be, and Superior Court they are hereby appointed to examine all Claimants, and report whether the Perfon producing Evidence as before required, fetting forth that he is an Invalid, be fuch in Fact, and if fuch, to what Pay he is intitled,



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