صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


and tranfinit a Copy thereof to the Comptroller of Accounts herein after appointed, to receive and record the fame, together with the Evidence on which fuch Certificate was granted.

Provided nevertheless, That in all Cases where Persons have been examined, and obtained Certificates of their being Invalids in fact, and lodged such Certificates for Record, agreeable to the Resolve of this Af- Provife. sembly passed in October, A. D. 1786, such Certificate shall be admitted as sufficient Evidence thereof, unless the Judges of the Superior Court shall think proper, in any particular Cafe to re-examine the Grounds on which such Certificate may be issued, and shall revoke and disallow the fame.

That all Invalids shall annually apply themselves to some Afsistant or Justice of the Peace, of the County in which they reside, and give their Affidavit agreeably to the Form following:





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ERSONALLY appeared before the Authority subscribing, A. B. of faid H. and made Oath that he was examined by appointed for that Purpose by this State, and obtained a Certificate, or Form. had his Certificate examined and countersigned, setting forth that he had ferved in

that he was disabled by

lives in the County of

and that he now

That all Affidavits, drawn according to the above Form, and duly dated and authenticated by the Authority taking the same, be tranfmitted to the Comptroller of Accounts, by this Act appointed to receive and record the fame,

Affidavits to be transmitted to

the Comptroller.


That the Comptroller of Accounts be, and hereby is appointed to make out the Lifts before directed to be made, to tranfmit Copies thereof to the Secretary at War and the General Assembly, as before directed; to receive and record all Certificates which may be granted by the Per- Comptroller to fons before appointed, and the Evidence on which they were issued; to make out lifts, record the Affidavits which may be taken in Consequence of the Provision of this Act, and to open and keep regular Accounts with all Persons who may be intitled to any Pension or Allowance from this State, and draw. Orders on the Treasurer for the Sums which may become due annually, by adjusting said Pensions to the first Day of February in each Year, after the Lists before directed to be made out, shall be completed.

Provided, That no Person shall be intitled to any Pension or Allowance from this State, in Consequence of the Provisions of this Act, unless his Claim shall have been exhibited and allowed, and the Certificate and Evidence thereof presented for Record, in the Manner before directed in this Act, within one Year from the rising of this Assembly.


Comptrolier to

And be it further enacted, That said Comptroller of Accounts, be, and he is also directed to open distinct Accounts with each Person intitled to receive a Pension from this State, in Consequence of a Resolve of Congress of the 23d of April, 1782, and an Act of the General Assembly of this State predicated thereon, passed in October, 1783; as also with each with penfioners Person intitled to a Pension from this State, in Consequence of an Act of this


open accounts





Select-men authorized, &c.

this Affembly paffed in May, 1784, granting certain Allowances to Perfons disabled at New-London and Groton, in September, 1781, and drawn on the Treasurer for the Sums to which each Person by faid Acts is respectively intitled, and that may be due in the Manner before directed, charging fuch Sums as may be paid to Persons disabled in the Service of the United States, and intitled to Pensions in confequence of the Refolve of Congress of the 23d of April, 1782, and the 7th of June, 1785, in Account with the United States, in part Payment of the Requifitions of Congrefs, for Specie upon this State, which have been, or which hereafter may be made.

And whereas it may, in some Instances, happen, that the Persons intitled to receive Pensions, in Consequence of the Provisions of this Act, may be unable to apply the Sums which may be allowed to them in a Manner most conducive to their Benefit.

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Select-Men of the several Towns in this State, be, and they are hereby authorized, whenever they may judge it expedient, to appoint some difcreet Person to receive and expend such Monies as may be allowed to any Invalid, or Pensioner, refiding in the respective Towns, and who may need fuch Afsistance, for his Ufe and Benefit; and a Certificate from faid Select-Men, notifying the Appointment that has been made, and an Order or Receipt from the Perfon so appointed, shall for any Pensions or Allowances, which shall be granted and allowed by this State, be good and fufficient Vouchers to difcharge the fame.

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And be it further enafted, That all Pensions which are, or Allowances which shall be granted by this State, shall be paid out of the Funds raised Penfioners to be for the Discharge of the Expences of Civil Government, after the first of

paid out of the civil lift funds.

September next: And that all Pensions which shall be granted in Consequence of the Certificate, which may be obtained in Pursuance of the Provifions of this Act, shall commence from the Time said Penfioners are intitled to receive the fame, agreeably to the several Acts of Congrefs, of the feventh of June, 1785.

And all Allowances that are now, or hereafter shall become due to any Perfons, in Consequence of any of the Provisions of this Act, shall be paid by the Treasurer to the first Day of September next, in the fame Way and Manner as has been heretofore practised by the Treasurer and Committee of Pay-Table.

An Act in Alteration of an Act, entitled, An Act for conftituting and regulating Courts, and for appointing the Times and Places for holding the same.


it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Times for holding the County Courts in the County of New-Haven, shall, for the future, be as follows, viz. on the third Tuesday in March, and on the Courts in New-- fecond Tuesday in November annually; any Thing in faid Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

Times of holding County

Haven County.

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Counties. Judges and Justices. Goals and Goalers. 365

An Act in further Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for stating, limiting, and naming the Counties in this State.


it enalted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Town of Brookfield an Brookfield, be, and the same is hereby annexed to the County of field County,

Fairfield; and that the faid Town of Brookfield shall appoint four Jurors annually.

An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for conftituting Judges and Justices of the Peace in this State, and for impowering and directing them in their respective Offices.


E it

nexed to Fair

Judges and Juf. tices to continue

in office until

enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future, all Judges and Justices of the Peace, annually appointed, commiffioned and sworn, shall be, and they are hereby fully authorized and impowered the 20th of June to exercise and execute the Office, Duty, and Trust, to which they are, or shall be appointed, commissioned, and sworn, as mentioned in said Act, until the twentieth Day of June, in the Year next ensuing fuch Appointment, unless said Commission be fooner revoked or fufpended by Act of the General Affembly.

An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act for regulating Goals and Goalers.

BE it

orders for the

ers committed

enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That whenever any Person shall hereafter be committed to, or held, or is already com- Courts may give mitted to, and held in any Goal in this State, by Virtue of an Execution clofe confinefor Debt, Damage, Fine, or Cost, the Superior Court, where the Judgment of prionment on which such Execution issued, is rendered by faid Court; and in on execution. every other Cafe, the County Court of the County in which such Prisoner is committed, or held, may at their Discretion, on notifying the Parties concerned, or the Attorney of the Party belonging out of this State, and on due Enquiry and Examination, give fuch Order to the Sheriff of the County in which such Goal is, from Time to Time, for the close Confinement of such Prisoners as they shall think proper. And whenever fuch Courts shall respectively (pursuant to the Provisions of this Act) order any Sheriff to confine any fuch Prisoner within the Walls of the Prifon, of which such Sheriff is Keeper, it shall be the Duty of fuch Sheriff to conform to, and obey fuch Order: And in cafe fuch Sheriff shall neglect or refuse to obey such Order, such Neglect and Refusal shall be deemed a voluntary Escape in such Sheriff, and he shall thereupon be liable to an Action for the Debt, Damage, Fine, or Cost for which such Prifoner is committed, or held, in the same Manner as tho' fuch Prifoner had escaped by the Permiffion of fuch Sheriff.

Sheriff neglect

ing, liable as for 366


an escape.


Realestate, after a transfer, &c. not liable for taxes, if other eftate can be found.

Not liable for taxes on a lift

made up after the transfer.

No real eftate liable for taxes, more than a


Provided nevertheless, That this Act shall not extend to any Prisoner committed or held by Virtue of any Execution, issued on a Judgment for a Sum not exceeding four Pounds Lawful Money.

An Act in further Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, An Act for collecting Rates or Taxes.


E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court afsembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no real Estate shall be liable to be fold for Taxes, after a legal transfer has been made of the fame, and entered for Record, or an Execution, or Attachment has been duly levied thereon, and lodged in the Town Clerk's Office of that Town wherein such Land lies, where other Estate can be found, within the Limits of such Town, sufficient to fatisfy the fame, with the legal Cost arifing thereon.

Nor shall any real Estate, which has been levied upon, or transfered as aforesaid, be liable to be fold for the Payment of any Taxes arifing upon any Lift made up after such transfer or levy.

And no real Estate shall be liable to be fold for Payment of any future Taxes for more than one Year after such Taxes become due; nor shall any real Estate be liable to be fold for Payment of Taxes already become

year after they due, after the first Day of December next; any Law, Usage, or Custom

become due.

to the contrary notwithstanding.

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Made and passed by the General Court or Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven, in said State, on the second Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1788.



An Act to prevent the Importation of Convicts.



it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Person convicted of any Crime, in any foreign Country, and sentenced therefor to be transported abroad, shall be imported into this State; and No perfon conthat any Perfon or Persons who shall, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, import, or bring into this State any such Convict; or be aiding or affifting therein, knowing such Person so imported to be a Convict, and sentenced as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the Treasurer of this State, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, for every such Convict, so imported as aforesaid. And whenever any Perfon



victed in any eign country, ported into this state, on penallefs, &c.

&c. shall be im

ty of 100l, un

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