378 Provifo. Liable to be re pealed. Jury-Men in Jurors. Provided, That fuch By-Laws, made by faid Court of Common-Council, shall be approved by said City, in legal Meeting assembled, and after being so approved, shall be published at least three Weeks successively in some public News-Paper in, or near said City. And all fuch By-Laws, of faid City, made as aforesaid, shall at any Time within fix Months, after they are made, be liable to be repealed by any Superior Court, holden in the County of Hartford, if by such Superior Court, on a hearing, judged to be unreasonable or unjust. An Act in Addition to, and Alteration of an Act providing and regulating of Jurors in Civil Actions. BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Towns hereafter named, shall annually choose the Number of Jury-Men, to the Name of each Town annexed, viz. Stratford twelve, Huntington seven. NEW-HAVEN; PRINTED BY THOMAS AND SAMUEL GREEN. ACTS and LAWS, Made and passed by the General Court or Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (in said State) on the second Thursday of May, Anno Domini, 1789. An Act, in Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act laying a Duty in certain Cafes. WHEREAS it is represented to this Assembly, that fundry of the Officers who are by faid Act made Receivers of faid Duties, have not rendered their Accounts, and made Payment to ibe Treasurer according to the Intent of faid Alt: To remedy which, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all the Officers, who are by faid Act made Receivers of faid Duties, shall render their Accounts agreeable to faid Act, and make Payment of the Sums that shall thereby appear to be due, on or before the twentieth Day of May annually, or in Default thereof, shall be incapable of holding or exercifing the Office, by Means whereof they become Receivers of such Duties, for and during the Term of one Year from and after his making Default of Payment as aforesaid. And be it further enacted, That when and so often as any fuch Officer shall be removed by Death, or otherwise, or shall be omitted in any Appointment on Account of his not having made fuch Payment, it shall be the Duty of the Treasurer to call fuch Officer, or his Executors, or Administrators to account for fuch Duties, as may be or remain in their Hands, or in the Hands of fuch Deceased at the Time of his Death; and the Cost, if any, that shall arife by Means thereof, shall be paid by the Person, or the Executor, or Administrator who shall neglect to make such Return or Payment. Kkk Be Preamble. Receivers of du ties on writs, &c. to account by 20th May, or pable of office. rendered inca Treasurer to cali them to account. 380 Treafurer to Goals and Goalers. Listers. Be it further enalted, That if the Clerk of the Superior Court, or any of the Clerks of the Courts of Common Pleas, or of the City Courts, certify neglects. fhall neglect to comply with the Requirements of this Act, it shall be the Duty of the Treasurer forthwith to certify the fame to the Judge of the Court to which the Clerk so neglecting belongs. An Act in Addition to a Law of this State, entitled, BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for the future the Oath provided by Law for the Relief of poor Prisoners imprifoned for Debt, shall not in any Case be administered to any fuch Debtor, until the Creditor of fuch Prisoner, (if an Inhabitant in this State) otherwife the Attorney of fuch Creditor, be duly notified to appear, and shew Reafon (if any be) why such Oath should not be administered, at least four Days inclusive before the Day when the fame is to be administered : Any Law, Ufage, or Custom to the contrary, notwithstanding. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when any fuch Debtor shall make Application to take fuch Oath and be refused, the Debtor shall not at any Times afterwards, be allowed to make Application therefor, unless the same shall be made to the Judge of the County Court and one Justice of Peace, or two Justices Quorum Unus (giving due Notice as aforesaid) who are hereby authorized to hear and determine. the fame. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That whenever fuch Oath fhall be administered by any single Justice upon the first Application, the Creditor shall have Liberty to apply (if he fee Caufe) to the Judge of the County Court, and one Justice of the Peace, or two Justices Quorum Unus, to review said Caufe. And if upon a full Hearing thereof, the Creditor shall make it appear to the Satisfaction of the Tryers, that the Debtor is not by Law intitled to the Benefit of fuch Oath, they shall have Power to order the Support to cease, and fuch Debtor shall thenceforward be holden in Prison in the fame Manner as though faid Oath had never been administered. An Act in further Addition to an Act, entitled, An Act BE it in General enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, : An Courts. Militia. Surveyors. Rates and Taxes. An Act in Alteration of, and Addition to a Statute Law of this State, entitled, An Act for conftituting and regulating Courts, and appointing the Times and Places for holding the fame. B E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Town's of Hebron, Coventry, and Bolton, shall hereafter be a distinct District for a Court of Probate, by the Name of the District of Hebron: Any Lev to the contrary notwithstanding. 331 Hebron District Provided, That all Probate Matters in either Town abovementioned, Provifo. already begun, shall proceed and be finished in the fame Manner as though this Act had never paffed. An Act repealing Part of an Act, entitled, An Act for forming, regulating, and conducting the Military Force of this State. B E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That so much of faid Act as requires the calling out, personal Appearance, or viewing Arms, of every Description of Men mentioned therein, (except those who actually conftitute the Train Band, and are required to exercise and do Duty on common Training Days) be, and the fame is hereby repealed. An Act in Alteration of a Statute Law of this State, entitled, An Act for appointing County Surveyors in the feveral Counties, and for directing and regulating them in the Execution of their Office. B Eit Part of militia act repealed. Court of Common Pleas to enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the several County Courts, or Courts of Common Pleas in this State, shall, in future, appoint the Surveyors of Lands, which may hereafter become appoint Surveyneceffary in their respective Counties: And that all Surveyors which shall be appointed by faid Courts ás prescribed in this Act, shall be under the fame Regulations, and enjoy the fame Powers and Priviledges; and the fame Penalties thall be incurred by any Persons refifting them in the Execution of their Office, that are prescribed by the Statute, which is altered by this Act. An Act in Addition to, and in Alteration of an Act, Taxes. B it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in future the Treasurer shall not issue Execution in Favour of this State, againft any Collector of State Taxes, until the Expiration of four Months after the fame shall become due: Any Law to the contrary notwithstanding. Be Treafurer not to issue Executions till four months after Taxes due, 382. May iffue at request of SelectMen. Collector failing Execution to go against Select Men and Inha bitants. Taxes. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Treasurer shall, at the Request of the Select-Men of any Town in this State, issue an Execution directed to the Sheriff of that County, and his Deputy, in the Name of the Select-Men of such Town, against any Collector of State Taxes for such Town, at any Time after the Tax committed to him becomes due, for the Balance then due on such Tax; and faid Select-Men may proceed with faid Execution, against such Collector, according to Law, for the Indemnity of such Town, and shall pay the Money due on fuch Execution to the Treasurer, within the Term of four Months after faid Taxes shall become payable as aforesaid: And on Failure thereof, the Treasurer shall issue Execution against the Perfons and Estate of the Select-Men, and the Rest of the Inhabitants of such Town, for the Sum then due. |