Obligation of the States to the determinati on of congress, &c. ART. XIII. EVERY state shall abide by the determinations of the united states in congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are fubmitted to them. And the Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united states, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every state, THESE Articles shall be proposed to the legislatures of all the united states, to be considered, and if approved of by them, they are advised to authorize their delegates, to ratify the fame in the congress of the united states; which being done, the same shall become conclufive. I A Catalogue of the several Acts, in alphabetical Order. Page | Equity. Abatement and amendment of Writs. 2 Age. Actions civil. Adultery. Alarms. 3 Estates, confifcated. 8 Excife. Page 48 Equity, as to Depreciation, 49 50 Escheats. 51 3 Eftates. 51 56 58 8 Executions. 6t 63 Felonies. 66 Auditors. Fences and Fields 11 67 Auditing public Accounts, Ferries. 12 74 Fidelity. 77 B Fines. 77 78 Ballast. 14 Forceable Entry. 80 Barberry-bushes. Barrators. Bastardy. Boats. Bricks. Bounds of Towns 14 Foreigners, infidious, &c. 14 Foreigners, Rights fecured. 15 Foreigners, not to hold Land. 15 Forgery. 16 Fornication. 82 82 83 84 84 87 Frauds and Perjuries. 87 Briefs. 18 Fraudulent Conveyances). 87 Burglary. 18 Freemen. A Catalogue of the several Acts, in alphabetical Order. M MANSLAUGHTER. Maritime. Masters. Meeting-Houses. Meetings. Militia. Mills. Ministers. Money. Monuments. Mountebanks. Murder. TAVIGATION. Slaves. 233 162 Sócieties. 235 Stocks. 237 L Strays. 238 Subjects, French, 238 New-Haven City. 164 Surveyors, 239 New-London City. 240 Night-walkers. 180 Swine. 240 240 Theft. 244 187 Timber. 245 347 ACTS AND LAWS, Passed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the State of CONNECTICUT. An Act containing an Abstract and Declaration of the Rights and Privileges of the People of this State, and fecuring the same. THE People of this State, being by the Providence of God, free and indepen dent, bave the fole and exclusive Right of governing themselves as a free, Sovereign, and independent State; and baving from their Ancestors derived a free and excellent Constitution of Government, whereby the Legislature depends Preamble. on the free and annual Election of the People, they have the best Security for the Preservation of their civil and religious Rights and Liberties. And forasmuch as the free Fruition of such Liberties and Privileges as Humanity, Civility and Christianity call for, as is due to every Man in his Place and Proportion, without Impeachment and Infringement, bath ever been, and will be the Tranquility and Stability of Churches and Commonwealths; and the Denial thereof, the Disturbance, if not the Ruin of both.. B and name of the State. E it erafted and declared by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, Conftitution That the ancient Form of Civil Government, contained in the Charter from Charles the Second, King of England, and adopted by the People of this State, shall be and remain the Civil Constitution of this State, under the sole Authority of the People thereof, independent of any King or Prince whatever. And that this Republic is, and shall forever be and remain, a free, fovereign and independent State, by the Name of the STATE OF CONNECTICUT. And be it further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That no General seMan's Life shall be taken away: No Man's Honor or good Name shall curity of the be stained: No Man's Person shall be arrested, restrained, banished, dif. rights of the membered, nor any Ways punished: No Man shall be deprived of his Wife people. 2 Equal justice to be admi niftred. Ne perfon to be imprison ed without law-and bailable in all cafes, except, &c. Writs abated, and amendable on payment of cofts. No writ abateable for Abatement and Amendment of Writs. or Children: No Man's Goods or Estate shall be taken away from him, nor any Ways indamaged under the Colour of Law, or Countenance of Authority; unless clearly warranted by the Laws of this State. That all the free Inhabitants of this or any other of the United States of America, and Foreigners in Amity with this State, shall enjoy the same Juftice and Law within this State, which is general for the State, in all Cafes proper for the Cognizance of the Civil Authority and Court of Judicature within the fame, and that without Partiality or Delay. And that no Man's Person shall be restrained, or imprisoned, by any Authority whatsoever, before the Law hath sentenced him thereunto, if he can and will give sufficient Security, Bail, or Mainprize for his Appearance and good Behaviour in the mean Time, unless it be for Capital Crimes, Contempt in open Court, or in such Cases wherein some express Law doth allow of, or order the fame. An Act relating to the Abatement and Amendment of E it BE enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That when any Plea shall be made in Abatement of any Writ or Process, before the Superior or County Court, or before any Assistant or Justice of the Peace, that if it be ruled in Favour of the Defendant, the Plaintiff shall have Liberty to amend that Defect, on his paying down to the Defendant his Costs to that Time; and then to proceed as he might have done if no such Defect had been: And in Case the Defendant appeal from a Judgment given on Pleas of Abatement and shall not make good his Plea, by the Judgment of that Court to which he appeals, Costs shall by such Court be awarded against him, however the Case shall finally issue, and Execution granted for the same. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Writ, Pleading, Judgment, or any Kind of Proceeding in Court or Course of Justice, circumftanti shall be abated, suspended or reversed for any Kind of circumstantial Errors, Mistakes or Defects, if the Person and the Cause may be thereby rightly understood and intended by the Court. al error. Death of the party shall not abate the writ, in case originally profecutable by or against the execu tors, &c. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when any Action being commenced shall be depending in any of the Superior or County Courts in this State, and the Plaintiff in such Action shall afterward, and before final Judgment thereon die, the same shall not abate if the Action might originally be prosecuted by his Executor or Administrator, but in such Cafe the Executors or Administrators may enter, if they fee Cause, and profecute the same. And if the Defendant in any Action die, after the same is commenced and depending as aforesaid, and before final Judgment, then the same shall not abate, if such Action might be originally profecuted against his Executors or Administrators, and the Plaintiff, or the Executor or Administrator of such Plaintiff may in fuch Cafe, have a Scire Facias against the Executors or Administrators of fuch deceased Defendant, to shew Cause why Judgment shall not be rendered against them; which being duly served, at least twelve Days before the Court, to which the fame is returnable, and returned, the Action shall proceed to final Issue according to Law. And be it further enacted, That if in any Action commenced, there be two or more Plaintiffs or Defendants, and one or more of them die, pending |