:: Foreigners, not to hold Land. &c. to be 83 and punish all such Persons as shall be guilty of the Violation, of any Safe- Violaters of Conduct or Passport granted under the Authority of the Congress of the safe-guard, United States of America, or under the Authority of this State, to the Sub. punished. jects of any foreign Power in Time of War. Acts of hof And also against all such Persons as shall be guilty of the Commission of any Acts of Hoftility against the Subjects of any Prince or Power in Ami- tilitys &c. ty, League, or Truce with the United States of America, or such as are within this State under a general implied Safe-Conduct. And also against all fuch as shall be guilty of any Violation or Infraction of the Immunities of Ambassadors, or other public Ministers, authorized Ambassaand received as such by the United States in Congress assembled, or of any dors, &c. Violence offered to the Perfons of fuch Ambassadors or Minifters, their Houses, Carriages or Property, under the Limitation allowed by the Laws and Usages of Nations, or that shall any Ways molest or disturb them in the free Exercise of their Religion. against Am And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Writ or Pro. No writ, &c. cess shall at any Time ifssue, or be maintained against any fuch Ambassador maintainable or public Minifter, authorized and received as aforesaid, or against his baffadors, Goods or Chattels, or against his domestic Servant, whereby his Person &c. may be arrested, in any Civil Action. : And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Courts respectively be, and they are hereby authorized and impowered to hear, try Courts imand determine, by a Jury or otherwise (according to Law) any of the Mat- powered to ters aforesaid, or any other Infractions or Violations of, or Offences against try, &c. the known, received and established Laws of civilized Nations, agreeable to the Laws of this State, or the Laws of Nations. to And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Injury shall be offered and done by any Person or Persons whatsoever, to any fo. Injuryagainst reign Power, or to the Subjects thereof, either in their Persons or Property, foreign powby Means whereof any Damage shall or may in any Wife arise, happen or be redreffed. accrue, either to any such foreign Power, to the said United States, to this State, or to any particular Person; the Person or Persons offering or doing any such Injury, shall be liable to pay and answer all such Damages as shall be occafioned thereby. An Act to prevent Foreigners or Aliens purchasing, or holding Lands in this State. Eit bey enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court the Authority of the same, That no Person who is not No alien may a Citizen or Inhabitant of this State, or one of the United States of Ame- purchase lands, &c. rica, shall be capable of purchasing or holding any Lands within this State, without fpewithout special Licence from the General Affembly. cial licence. Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to work a Forfeiture of any Lands belonging to any Subject of the King of Great-Britain before the late War, or to prevent the Proprietor of such Lands from sel- Proviso. ling and disposing of the fame to any Inhabitant of any of the United States: Nor to hinder the Subjects of the King of France from enjoying the Privileges and Benefits to which they are entitled by Virtue of the Treaty of Amity, made and ratified by and between His Most Christian Majesty, and the United States of America. Forgery. Forms of Writs, &c. An Act against Forgery. E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court the the Authority of the fame, That if any Person or Persons shall willingly and falsely forge and make, or cause to be forged or made, or shall aid, abet, help or assist in the falsely forging and making any false Deed, Conveyance, Will, Testament, Bond, Bill, Receipt, Release, Acquittance, Letter of Attorney, or any other Writing to prevent Equity and Justice; such Person or Persons being thereof duly convicted, shall stand in the Pillory three several Lecture Days, or other Days of public Meeting; and render and pay to the Party or Parties injured thereby, double Damages, to be recovered by Action founded on this Statute; and shall also be rendered incapable, and be disenabled to give any Evidence or Verdict in any Court, or before any Magiftrate or Justice of the Peace. An Act prescribing Forms of Writs, Processes, &c. E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court by the Authority of the same, That the several Forms of Writs, Proceffes, &c. in Civil Causes, here under-written, be, and they are hereby established to be the Forms to be used in this State, by the respective Officers therein, That is to say; Summons for Appearance before an Assistant or Justice of Peace. B his Deputy, or either of within said County, Greeting. the Constables of the Town of G. Y Authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to summon A. B. of G. aforesaid, to appear before me J. H. Esq; Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid, at my Dwelling-House in H. on the noon; then and there to Day of at of the Clock in the answer to C. D. of W. in a Plea of which is to the Damage of the said C. D. To the Sheriff, &c. B Day of Day of Annoque Domini, J. H. Attachment before an Assistant or Justice of Peace. A. B. (if he may be found in your Precincts) and him safely keep, so that he The like for Summons and Attachments to the County Courts, Mutatis An Execution granted by an Assistant or Justice of Peace. To the Sheriff of the County of H. &c. Greeting. Cofts of Suit, as appears of Record: against A. B. of H. for the Sum of T HESE are therefore by Authority of the State of Connecticut, to command you, That of the Money of the faid A. B. or of his Goods or Chattels : Forms of Writs, &c. Chattels within your Precincts, you cause to be levied, and (the same being And for Want of such Money, Goods or Chattels of the faid A. B. to be by him shewn unto you, or found within your Precincts, for fatisfying the aforesaid Sums you are hereby commanded to take the Body of the faid A. B. and him commit unto the Keeper of the Gaol in H. in the County aforesaid, within the faid Prison; who is likewise hereby commanded to receive the faid A. B. and him safely keep, until he pay unto the faid C. D. the full Sums above-mentioned, and be by him released, and also satisfy your Fees. Hereof fail not, and make due Return of this Writ, with your Doings therein, unto me the faid J. H. Esq; within fixty Days next coming. Dated at H. this Day of, &c. J. H. Execution out of the Superior Court and County Courts, respectively. To the Sheriff of the County of H. &c. Greeting. WHEREAS C. D. of W. recovered Judgment against A. B. of F. before the Court, bolden at H. within the County aforesaid, on the Tuesday Pounds, Debt, (Damage) and of for the Sum of Pounds Shillings Pence Costs of Suit, as appears of Record: Whereof Execution remains to be done. T Pounds Shillings and HESE are therefore, by Authority of the State of Connecticut, to command you, That of the Goods, Chattels or Lands of the faid A. В. within your Precincts, you cause to be levied (and the same being disposed of, or appraised as the Law directs) paid and satisfied unto the said C. D. the aforesaid Sums being Pence in the Whole; with Shillings more for this Writ, and thereof also to satisfy yourself for your own Fees. And for Want of fuch Goods, Chattels or Lands of the said A. B. to be by him shewn unto you, or found within your Precincts, to the Acceptance of the said C. D. for fatisfying the aforesaid Sums, you are hereby commanded to take the Body of the said A. B. and him commit unto the Keeper of the Gaol in H. in the County aforesaid, within the said Prison, who is likewife hereby commanded to receive the said A. B. and him safely to keep until he pay unto the said C. D. the full Sums above-mentioned, and be by him released, and also satisfy your Fees. Hereof fail not, and make due Return of this Writ, with your Doings therein, unto the said Court to be holden at upon the Tuesday of next. Dated at H. &c. Summons or Sub-pæna for Witnesses. To A. B. and C. D. &. E. K. Clerk. Y Authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to appear before the Court to be holden at F. on the B 85 Execution from superior or county court. Summons fof Tuesday of to testify what you know in a certain Action now depending witnesses. in the faid Court, between E. F. of H. Plaintiff, and G. H. of M. De fendant in an Action of Hereof fail not, under the Penalty of the Law in that Cafe provided. Dated at H. &c. D. E. Clerk. A Warrant of Replevin before the County Court. To the Sheriff of F. &c. Greeting. Bulharity with Deta Connect Y Authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded, Replevin. Beafts, viz. to be replevied to T. C. of S. his now destrained or impounded by S. H. of N. and by him justly detained, as it is faid 86 Forms of Writs, &c. Said S. H. to appear before the next County Court to be holden at F. in and them unjustly impounded and detained as aforesaid, until this Time; which is to the Damage of the faid T. C. as he faith, the Sum of Pounds, and therefore he brings this Suit, &c. (the said T. C. having given sufficient Bond to prosecute this Action to Effect, and fatisfy such Damages, Demands and Dues as the adverse Party shall recover against him.) Hereof fail not, and make true Return of this Writ, with your Doings therein, &c. Dated, &c. J. H. Justice of Peace. The like for a Writ of Replevin before an Assistant or Justice, Mutatis Y profecution. Bond for Warrant for collecting town rates. Frovifo. YOU C. S. and E. C. of H. acknowledge yourselves jointly and severally bound to J. L. of in a Recognizance of Pounds, That T. R. of W. shall prosecute the Attachment or Replevin he hath now taken out against the said J. L. at the next County Court to be holden at H. on the Tuesday of next, to full Effect; and answer all Coft and Damages in Cafe he make not his Plea good. Taken and acknowledged in H. the B Day of, &c. Before me, J. W. Justice of Peace. A Warrant for collecting Rates. To A. B. Collector of the Town Rate of the Town of, &c. Greeting. Y Authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded forthwith to levy and collect of the Persons named in the annexed Lift, herewith committed to you, each one his several Proportion, as therein set down, of the Sum total of such Lift; being a Tax or Affsessinent granted and agreed upon by the Inhabitants of the faid Town of, &c. regularly assembled on the Day of for defraying of the neceffary Charges arising within the fame, and to deliver and pay the Sum and Sums which you shall fo levy and collect, unto the Treasurer of the said Town, (or to C. D. being by said Town appointed to receive the same) at or before the Day of And if any Person or Persons shall neglect or refuse to make Payment of the Sum or Sums whereat he or they are respectively affefsed, and fet in the said Lift, to distrain the Goods or Chattels of such Person or Persons, and the same dispose of as the Law directs; returning the Overplus (if any be) unto the Owner or Owners. And for Want of Goods and Chattels, whereon to make Distress, you are to take the Body or Bodies of the Perfon or Persons so refufing, and him or them commit unto the Keeper of the Gaol of the said County, within the said Prifon; who is hereby commanded to receive and safely keep him or them, until he or they pay and fatisfy the faid Sum or Sums asseffed upon him or them as aforefaid, together with your Fees; unless the faid Affefsment, or any Part thereof, upon Application made to the County Court, shall be abated. Dated at G. &. Always provided, and it is further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Perfon or Persons within this State, as often as Occasion shall require, to make Use of other and diverse Forms than what are before in this Act prescribed, fo that the Substance of the Matter or Action be well contained therein, according to Law. An Fornication. Frauds & Perjuries. Fraudulent Conveyances. 87 An Act for the Punishment of Fornication. Brassembled, and by the Authority of E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court the fame, That if any Man shall commit Fornication with any single Woman, upon due Conviction thereof, each of them shall pay a Fine of Thirty-Three Shillings to the Treasury of Fine 33s. the County in which such Conviction is; or be corporally punished by whipping, not exceeding Ten Stripes each; at the Difcretion of the County Court who shall have Cognizance of faid Offence. :: An Act for Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries. Baffembled, and by No suit in law or equity to be brought upon any contract that shall the first day of Dec. 1771, to charge any executor, &c. promife. be made after E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Representatives, in General Court the Authority of the same, That no Suit in Law or Equity shall be brought or maintained upon any Contract or Agreement that shall be made after the first Day of December, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-One, whereby to charge any Executor or Administrator, upon any special Promise, to answer Damages out of his own Estate; or whereby to charge the Defendant upon any special Promise to answer for the Debt, Default, or Miscarriages of another Person; or to charge any Person upon any Agreement made upon Confideration of Marriage; or upon any Contract, or Sale of Lands, Tenements, or Heredita- upon any fpements, or any Interest in or concerning them; or upon any Agreement that is not to be performed within the Space of one Year from the making thereof; unless the Agreement upon which such Action shall be brought, or some Memorandum or Note thereof shall be made in Writing, and signed by the Party to be charged therewith, or fome other Person thereunto by him lawfully authorized. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Suit in Law or Equity shall be brought or maintained upon any Contract or Agreement that shall hereafter be made, and not reduced to writing as aforesaid, but within three Years next after entering into, or making the same, or on any such Contract or Agreement heretofore made, but within three Years next after a Right of Action thereon shall accrue; or if such Right of Action hath already accrued, such Suit shall not be brought, but within three Years next after the first Day of June, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-One. No fuit, &c. to be brought upon any contract, unless within three years, &c. Provided, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to any Acti- Provifo. on of Book Debt. Eit An Act against Fraudulent Conveyances. enacted the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court Baffembled, and by the Authority of the same, That all fraudulent and Fraudulent deceitful Conveyances of Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods or conveyances, Chattels; and all fuch Bonds, Suits, Judgments, Executions or Contracts, void. made to void any Debt or Duty of others, shall (as against the Party or Parties only, whose Debt or Duty is so endeavoured to be avoided, their Heirs, Executors or Assigns) be utterly void; any Pretence, or feigned Confideration notwithstanding. And every of the Parties to such a fraudulent Conveyance, Bond, Suit, Judgment, Execution or Contract, who being privy thereunto, that shall wittingly justify the fame to be done, bona Fide and upon good Confidera- Penalty. tion: Or shall alien and assign any Lands, Leafe, Goods or Chattels so to them conveyed, as aforesaid, shall forfeit one Year's Value of the Lands, Leafe, |