NEW-LONDON: Printed by TIMOTHY GREEN, Printer to the GOVERNOR and STATE of CONNECTICUT, M,DCC,LXXXIV. The CHARTER granted by His Majesty King C HARLES the Second, by the Grace of GOD, KING.df England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Whereas by the feveral Navigations, Difcoveries, and Successful Plantations of divers of Our loving Subjects of this Our Realm of England, feveral Lands, Ilands, Places, Colonies, and Plantations have been obtained and Jettled in that Part of the Continent of America called New-England, and thereby the Trade and Commerce there, hath been of late Years much increased: And whereas We have been informed by the bumble Petition of Our Trufty and Wellbeloved John Winthrop, John Mafon, Samuel Wyllys, Henry Clarke, Matthew Allyn, John Tapping, Nathan Gold, Richard Treat, Richard Lord, Henry Wolcott, John Talcott, Daniel Clarke, John Ogden, Thomas Wells, Obadiah Bruen, John Clarke, Anthony Hawkins, John Deming, and Matthew Camficid, being Perfons principally interested in Our Colony or Plantation of Connecticut, in New-England, that the fame Colony, or the greatest part thereof was Purchafed and Obtained for great and valuable Confiderations, and fome other Part thereof gained by Conquest, and with much difficulty, and at the only Endeavours, Expence, and Charges of them and their Asociates, and those under whom they Claim, Subdued, and Improved, and thereby become a confiderable Enlargement and Addition of Our Dominions and Intereft there. Now KNOW YE, That in Confideration thereof, and in Regard the faid Colony is remote from other the English Plantations in the Places aforefaid, and to the End the Affairs and Bufinefs which fhall from Time to Time happen or arise concerning the fame, may be duly Ordered and Managed, we have thought fit, and at the humble Petition of the Perfons aforefaid, and are graciously Pleafed to create and make them a Body Politick and Corporate, with the Powers and Privileges herein after mentioned, and accordingly Our Will and Pleasure is, and of our efpecial Grace, certain Knowlege, and meer Motion, We have ordained, conftituted and declared, and by these Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and Succeffors, Do ordain, conftitute and declare, that they the faid John Winthrop, John Mafon, Samuel Wyllys, Henry Clarke, Matthew Allyn, John Tapping, Nathan Gold, Richard Treat, Richard Lord, Henry Wolcott, John Talcott, Daniel Clarke, John Ogden, Thomas Wells, Obadiah Bruen, John Clarke, Anthony Hawkins, John Deming, and Matthew Camfield, and all fuch others as now are, or hereafter fhall be admitted, and made Free of the Company and Society of Our Colony of Connecticut, in America, fhail from Time to Time, and for ever hereafter, be One Body Corporate and Politick, in Fact and Name, by the Name of, Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut in New-England, in America; and that by the fame Name they and their Succeffors fhall and may have perpetual Succeffion, and fhall and may be Perfons able and capable in the Law, to plead and be impleaded, to anfwer and to be answered unto, to defend and be defended in all and fingular Suits, Caufes, Quarrels, Matters, Actions, and Things, of what Kind or Nature foever; and alfo to have, take, poffefs, acquire, and purchase Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or any Goods, or Chattels, and the fame to leafe, grant, demife, alien, bargain, fell, and difpofe of, as other Our liege People of this Our Realm of England, or any other Corporation or Body Politick within the fame may Jawfully do. And further, That the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, fhall and may for ever hereafter have a Common Seal, to ferve and ufe for all Caufes, Matters, Things, and Affairs whatsoever, of them and their Succeffors, and the fame Seal to alter, change, break, and make new from Time to Time, at their Wills and Pleasures, as they shall think fit. And further, We will and ordain, and by these Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, do declare and appoint, that for the better ordering and managing of the Affairs and Bufinefs of the faid Company and |