8 MESSRS. LONGMAN AND CO.'s Editions of Latin Classic Authors. VALPY'S TACITUS, WITH ENGLISH NOTES. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera. From the Text of Brotier; with his Explanatory Notes, translated into English. By A. J. VALPY, M.A. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 982, 24s. boards. London, n.d. BARKER'S TACITUS-GERMANY AND AGRICOLA. The Germany of C. C. Tacitus, from Passow's Text; and the Agricola, from Brotier's Text: with Critical and Philological Remarks, partly original and partly collected. By E. H. BARKER, late of Trinity College, Cambridge. 5th Edition, revised, 12mo. pp. 162, 5s. 6d. cloth. London, 1836. VALPY'S OVID'S EPISTLES AND TIBULLUS. Electa ex Ovidio et Tibullo: cum Notis Anglicis. By the Rev. F. E. J. VALPY, M.A. Master of Burton-on-Trent School. d Edition, 12mo. pp. 274, 4s. 6d. cloth. London, 1838. BRADLEY'S OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Ovidii Metamorphoses; in usum Scholarum excerptæ: quibus accedunt Notulæ Anglicæ et Quæstiones. Studio C. BRADLEY, A.M. Editio Septima, 12mo. pp. 232, 4s. 6d. cloth. London, 1837. VALPY'S JUVENAL AND PERSIUS. Decimi J. Juvenalis et Persii Flacci Satire. Ex edd. Ruperti et Koenig expargatæ. Accedunt, in gratiam Juventutis, Notæ quædam Anglica scripte. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. 2d Edit. 12mo. pp. 214, 5s. 6d. bd. Lond. 1823. The TEXT only, 2d Edition, pp. 120, 3s. bound. London, 1836. VALPY'S VIRGIL. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, Æneis. Accedunt, in gratiam Juventatis, Nota quædam Anglice scripta. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. 10th Edition, 18mo. pp. 660, 7s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. The TEXT only, 19th Edition, pp. 388, 3s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. VALPY'S HORACE. Q. Horatii Flacci Opera. Ad fidem optimorum exemplarium castigata; cum Notulis Anglicis. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. New Edition, 18mo. pp. 398, 6s. bound. London, 1839. The same, without Notes. New Edition, pp. 276, 3s. 6d. London, 1840. The objectionable odes and passages have been expunged. BARKER'S CICERO DE AMICITIA, ETC. Cicero's Cato Major, and Lælius: with English Explanatory and Philological Notes; and with an English Essay on the Respect paid to Old Age by the Egyptians, the Persians, the Spartans, the Greeks, and the Romans. By the late E. H. BARKER, Esq. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 6th Edition, 12mo pp. 168, 4s. 6d. bound in cloth. London, 1839. VALPY'S CICERO'S EPISTLES. Epistolæ M. T. Ciceronis. Excerptæ et ad optimorum fidem exemplorum denuo castigatæ; cum Notis Anglicis. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. New Edition, 18mo. pp. 144, 3s. cloth. London, 1831. The TEXT only, 5th Edit. pp. 116, 2s. cloth. London, 1829. VALPY'S CICERO'S OFFICES. M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis Libri Tres. Accedunt, in usum Juventutis, Notæ quædam Anglica scriptæ. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. Editio Quarta, aucta et emendata, 12mo. pp. 388, 6s. 6d. cloth. London, 1838. BARKER'S CICERO'S CATILINARIAN ORATIONS, ETC. Cicero's Catilinarian Orations. From the Text of Ernesti; with some Notes by the Editor, E. H. BARKER, Esq., and many selected from Ernesti; and with Extracts from Andreas Schottus's Dissertation, entitled Cicero a Calumniis Vindicatus. To which is appended, Tacitus's Dialogus de Oratoribus, sive de Causis Corruptæ Eloquentiæ; and, also, several beautiful Extracts from English Authors; with a Suggestion to the Conductors of Classical Schools to devote one day in the week to the study of English Literature. 12mo. pp. 180, 56. 6d. bound. London, 1829. VALPY'S CICERO'S TWELVE ORATIONS. Twelve Select Orations of M. Tullius Cicero. From the Text of Jo. Casp. Orellius; with English Notes. Edited by A. J. VALPY, M.A. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 292, 7s. 6d. boards London, 1839. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. BARKER'S CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War. From the Text of Oudendorp; with a selection of Notes from Dionysius Vossius, from Drs. Davies and Clarke, and from Oudendorp, &c. &c. To which are added, Examination Questions. By E. H. BARKER, Esq. late of Trinity College, Cambridge. Post 8vo. pp. 272, with several Woodcuts, 6s. 6d. boards. VALPY'S TERENCE. Terence-The Andrian: with English Notes. Divested of every indelicacy. By R. VALPY, D.D. 2d Edit. 12mo. pp. 60, 2s. bound. London, 1838. CATULLUS, JUVENAL, AND PERSIUS. Catullus, Juvenal, and Persius, Expurgati. In usum Schola Harroviensis. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. pp. 200, 5s. cloth lettered. London, 1839. Although the text is expurgated, the established number of the lines is retained, in order to facilitate the reference to the notes in other editions. BRADLEY'S PHÆDRUS. Phædri Fabulæ; in usum Scholarum expurgatæ: quibus accedunt Notulæ Anglicæ et Quæstiones. Studio C. BRADLEY, A.M. Editio Octava, 12mo. pp. 104, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. BRADLEY'S CORNELIUS NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vita Excellentium Imperatorum: quibus accedunt Notule Anglicæ et Qaæstiones. Studio C. BRADLEY, A.M. Editio Octava, 12mo. pp. 188, 3s. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. BRADLEY'S EUTROPIUS. Eutropii Historiæ Romanæ Libri Septem quibus accedunt Notulæ Anglicæ et Quæstiones. Studio C. BRADLEY, A.M. Editio Decima, 12mo. pp. 112, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. HICKIE'S LIVY. The First Five Books of Livy: with English Explanatory Notes, and Examination Questions. By D. B. HICKIE, LL.D. Head Master of Hawkshead Grammar School. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 450,88. 6d. boards. London, 1841. Works by the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. F.3.A. BLOOMFIELD'S GREEK THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides. A New Recension of the Text; with a carefully amended Punctuation; and copious Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory; almost entirely original, but partly selected and arranged from the best Expositors, and forming a continuous Čommentary accompanied with full Indices, both of Greek Words and Phrases explained, and matters discussed in the Notes. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. Charles James, Lord Bishop of London. Illustrated by Maps and Plans, mostly taken from actual survey. (In 2 vols. 8vo.) Vol. 1, pp. 600, 18s. cloth. London, 1842.-Vol. 2 is in the press. BLOOMFIELD'S TRANSLATION OF THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War. By THUCYDIDES. Newly translated into English, and accompanied with very copious Notes, Philological and Explanatory, Historical and Geographical; with Maps and Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 1632, £2.5s. boards. London, 1829. BLOOMFIELD'S GREEK LEXICON TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament; especially adapted to the use of Colleges and the higher Classes in the Public Schools, but also intended as a convenient Manual for Biblical Students in general. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 492, 9s. cloth lettered. London, 1840. BLOOMFIELD'S CREEK TESTAMENT. The Greek Testament: with copious English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. 3d Edition, greatly enlarged, and very considerably improved, in 2 closely-printed volumes, 8vo. pp. 1460, with Map of Palestine, £2, handsomely bound in cloth, lettered. London, 1841. BLOOMFIELD'S COLLEGE & SCHOOL GREEK TESTAMENT. The Greek Testament: with brief English Notes, Philological and Explanatory. Especially formed for the use of Colleges and the Public Schools, but also adapted for general purposes, where a larger work is not requisite. By the Rev. S. T. BLOOMFIELD, D.D. F.S.A. Vicar of Bisbrooke, Rutland; Editor of the larger Greek Testament, with English Notes; and Author of the Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, printed uniform with, and intended to serve as a Companion to, the present work. 3d Edition, greatly enlarged and considerably ímproved, 12mo. 10s. 6d. cloth London, 1843. 10 MESSRS. LONGMAN AND CO.'s History, Chronology, and Mythology. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Chronological Tables, from the Creation to the Present Time. A New Edition, carefully corrected, enlarged, and brought down to the present time, and printed in a convenient form. Under the revision of Sir HENRY ELLIS, K.H. Principal Librarian of the British Museum. 1 vol. royal 8vo. MANGNALL'S QUESTIONS---ONLY GENUINE AND COMPLETE EDITION. Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, for the Use of Young People; with a Selection of British and General Biography. By R. MANGNALL. New Edition, with the Author's last Corrections and Additions, and other very considerable recent Improvements. 12mo. pp. 474, 4s. 6d. bound. London, 1842. The only edition with the Author's latest Additions and Improvements, bears the imprint of Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. CORNER'S SEQUEL TO MANGNALL. Questions on the History of Europe: a Sequel to Mangnall's Historical Questions; comprising Questions on the History of the Nations of Continental Europe not comprehended in that work. By JULIA CORNER. New Edition, 12mo. pp. 408, 5s. bound. London, 1842. HORT'S PANTHEON. The New Pantheon; or, an Introduction to the Mythology of the Ancients, in Question and Answer: compiled for the Use of Young Persons. To which are added, an Accentuated Index, Questions for Exercise, and Poetical Illustrations of Grecian Mythology, from Homer and Virgil. By W. J. HORT. New Edition, considerably enlarged by the addition of the Oriental and Northern Mythology. 18mo. pp. 280, 17 Plates, 5s. 6d. bound. London, 1842. HORT'S CHRONOLOGY. An Introduction to the Study of Chronology and Ancient History By W. J. HORT. New Edition, 18mo. pp. 234, 4s. bound. London, 1837. KNAPP'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY. An Abridgment of Universal History, adapted to the Use of Families and Schools; with appropriate Questions at the end of each Section. By the Rev. H. J. KNAPP, M.A. New Edition, with considerable additions, 12mo. pp. 250, 5s. bound. London, n. d. BIGLAND'S LETTERS ON THE STUDY OF HISTORY. On the Study and Use of Ancient and Modern History; containing Observations and Reflections on the Causes and Consequences of those Events which have produced conspicuous Changes in the aspect of the World, and the general state of Human Affairs: in a Series of Letters. By JOHN BIGLAND, Author of "Letters on the Political State of Europe." 7th Edition, 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 470, 6s. bds. London, 1840 KEIGHTLEY'S OUTLINES OF HISTORY Outlines of History, from the Earliest Period. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq. New Edition, corrected and considerably improved, fcp. 8vo. pp. 468, 68. cloth. or 6s. 6d. bound and lettered. London, n. d. KEIGHTLEY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. The History of England. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq. In 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 1206, 148. cloth; or 15s. bound. London, 1837. For the convenience of Schools, the volumes will always be sold separately. KEIGHTLEY'S ELEMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND. An Elementary History of England By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq. Author of "A History of England,' "Greece," "Rome," "Outlines of History," &c. &c. 12mo. pp. 364, 5s. bound. London, 1841. KEICHTLEY'S HISTORY OF GREECE. The History of Greece. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq. 3d Edition, 12mo. pp. 508, 6s. 6d. cloth; or 7s. bound. London, 1839. Elementary History of Greece. 18mo. pp. 264, 3s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. KEIGHTLEY'S HISTORY OF ROME. The History of Rome, to the end of the Republic. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq. 3d Edition, 12mo. pp. 512, 6s. 6d. cloth; 7s. bound. London, 1840. Elementary History of Rome. 18mo. pp. 264, 3s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. KEIGHTLEY'S HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. 11 The History of the Roman Empire, from the Accession of Augustus to the end of the Empire in the West. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY, Esq 12mo. pp. 456, 6s. 6d. cloth; or, 7s. bound. London, 1840 QUESTIONS ON KEIGHTLEY'S HISTORY of ENGLAND, Parts 1 and 2, pp. 56 each, London, 1840; ROME, 3d Edit. pp. 40, London, 1841; GREECE, 3d Edit. pp. 42, London, 1841. 12mo. 18. each, sewed. COOPER'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. The History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of Chesterfield. By the Rev. W. COOPER. 23d Edition, considerably improved, and brought down to the year 1842. 18mo. 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1843. BARKER'S LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. By Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, abridged from Anthon's and Barker's. E. H. BARKER, of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2d Edition, for Public and Private Schools of both Sexes. New Edit. post 8vo. pp. 476, 8s. 6d. bd. Lond. n.d. This is the only edition, for public and private schools of both sexes, divested of all indelicacy. VALPY'S ELEMENTS OF MYTHOLOGY. Elements of Mythology; or, an Easy History of the Pagan Deities: intended to enable the young to understand the Ancient Writers of Greece and Rome. By R. VALPY, D.D. 8th Edition, 12mo. pp. 52, 12s. bound. London, 1841. VALPY'S POETICAL CHRONOLOGY. Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History: with Historical and Explanatory Notes. By R.VALPY, D.D. New Edit. 12mo. pp. 88,2s. 6d. cl. Lond. 1841. RIDDLE'S ECCLESIASTICAL CHRONOLOGY. Ecclesiastical Chronology; or, Annals of the Christian Church, from its Foundation to the Present Time. To which are added, Lists of Councils and of Popes, Patriarchs, and Archbishops of Canterbury. By the Rev. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A. 8vo. pp. 512, 15s. cloth. London, 1840. TATE'S CONTINUOUS HISTORY OF ST. PAUL. The Continuous History of the Labours and Writings of St. Paul, on the basis of the Acts, with intercalary matter of Sacred Narrative, supplied from the Epistles, and elucidated in occasional Dissertations: with the HORE PAULINÆ of Dr. PALEY, in a more correct edition (with occasional notes), subjoined. By J. TATE, M.Á. Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's. 8vo. with Map, pp. 240, 13s. cloth. London, 1840. Dictionaries. + For other Dictionaries, see Messrs. Longman and Co.'s royal 8vo. School Catalogue. BOSWORTH'S ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY. A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language; containing the Accentuation, the Grammatical Inflexions, the Irregular Words referred to their Themes, the Parallel Terms from the other Gothic Languages, the Meaning of the AngloSaxon in English and Latin, and copious English and Latin Indexes: serving as a Dictionary of English and Anglo-Saxon as well as of Latin and AngloSaxon. With a Preface, on the Origin and Connection of the German Tongues; a Map of Languages; and the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. By the Rev. J. BOSWORTH, LL.D. &c. Royal 8vo. pp. 766. £2.2s. bds. Camb. 1838. Geometry, Arithmetic, Land-Surveying, &c. NARRIEN'S ELEMENTS OF EUCLID. Elements of Geometry: consisting of the first four, and the sixth, Books of 12 MESSRS. LONGMAN AND Co.'s KEITH ON THE GLOBES, AND KEY. A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes; or, a Philosophical View of the Earth and Heavens: comprehending an Account of the Figure, Magnitude, and Motion of the Earth: with the Natural Changes of its Surface, caused by Floods, Earthquakes, &c.: together with the Principles of Meteorology and Astronomy: with the Theory of Tides, &c. Preceded by an extensive selection of Astronomical and other Definitions, &c. &c. By THOMAS KEITH, New Edit. considerably improved, by J. ROWBOTHAM, F.R.A.S. and W. H. PRIOR. 12mo. with 7 Plates, pp. 388, 6s. 6d. bound. London, n. d. In this edition are introduced meny new questions relating to the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, for the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, respectively. The only GENUINE edition with the Author's latest Additions and Improvements bears the imprint of Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. KEY, by PRIOR, revised by J. ROWBOTHAM, 12mo. pp. 46, 2s. 6d. cloth. Lond. 1842. KEITH'S CEOMETRY. The Elements of Plane Geometry; containing the First Six Books of Euclid, from the Text of Dr. Simson: with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. To which are added, Book VII. including several important Propositions which are not in Euclid; together with the Quadrature of the Circle, the Lune of Hippocrates, the Maxima and Minima of Geometrical Quantities: and Book VIII. consisting of Practical Geometry; also, Book IX. Of Planes and their Intersections; and Book X. Of the Geometry of Solids. By THOMAS KEITH. 4th Edition, corrected by S. MAYNARD, 8vo. pp 446, 10s. 6d. boards. London, 1835. KEITH'S TRIGONOMETRY. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere, including the Theory of Navigation; comprehending a variety of Rules, Formulæ, &c. with their Practical Applications to the Mensuration of Heights and Distances, to determine the Latitude by two Altitudes of the Sun, the Longitude by the Lunar Observations, and to other important Problems on the Sphere; and on Nautical Astronomy. By THOMAS KEITH. 7th Edition, corrected by S. MAYNARD, 8vo. pp. 472, 14s. cloth. London, 1839. CROCKER'S LAND SURVEYING. Crocker's Elements of Land Surveying. New Edition, corrected throughout, and considerably improved and modernized, by T. G. BUNT, Land-Surveyor, Bristol. To which are added, Tables of Six-figure Logarithms, superintended by Richard Farley, of the Nautical Almanac Establishment. Post 8vo. with Plan of the Manor of North Hill, Somerset, belonging to J. W. Antoni, Esq., very numerous Diagrams, a Field-book, Plan of part of the City of Bath, &c. pp. 432, 12s. cloth. London, 1841. FARLEY'S SIX-FIGURE LOGARITHMS. Tables of Six-figure Logarithms; containing the Logarithms of Numbers from 1 to 10,000, and of Sines and Tangents for every Minute of the Quadrant and every Six Seconds of the first Two Degrees: with a Table of Constants, and Formulæ for the Solution of Plane and Spherical Triangles. Superintended by RICHARD FARLEY, of the Nautical Almanac Establishment. Post 8vo. pp. 276, (unenumerated), 4s. 6d. cloth. London, 1840. EULER'S ALGEBRA, BY HEWLETT. Elements of Algebra. By LEONARD EULER. Translated from the French, with the Notes of M. Bernouilli, &c. and the Additions of M. De la Grange, by the Rev. JOHN HEWLETT, B D. F.A.S. &c. To which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Life and Character of Euler, by the late Francis Horner, Esq. 5th Edition, carefully revised and corrected. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 618, 15s. cloth. London, 1840. TAYLOR'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. The Arithmetician's Guide; or, a complete Exercise Book: for Public Schools and Private Teachers. By W. TAYLOR. New Edition, 12mo. pp. 200, 2s. 6d. bound. London, n. d. KEY to the same. By W. H. WHITE, of the Commercial and Mathematical School, Bedford. 12mo. pp. 172, 4s. bound. London, 1841. MOLINEUX'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. An Introduction to Practical Arithmetic; in Two Parts: with various Notes, and occasional Directions for the use of Learners. By T. MOLINEUX, many years Teacher of Accounts and the Mathematics in Macclesfield. In Two Parts. Part, 1, New Edition, 12mo. pp. 198, 2s. 6d. bound. London, n. d. Part 2, 6th Edition, 12mo. pp. 188, 28. 6d. bound. London 1839. KEY to Part 1, pp. 16, 6d. London, n.d. KEY to Part 2, pp. 14, 6d. (18 to 32). London, n. d. |