Archival Reflections: Postmodern Fiction of the Americas (self-reflexivity, Historical Revisionism, Utopia)Bucknell University Press, 2000 - 367 من الصفحات Archival Reflections explores the works of Carlos Fuentes of Mexico, Julio Cortazar of Argentina, and Ismael Reed and E. L. Doctorow of the United States from two innovative perspectives -- the new forms of the historical novel and the current debate on postmodernism. It explores North-South relations in the Americas and the question of cultural borders within the New World order. It has implications for the literary histories of Spanish America and the United States, as well as for the fields of inter-American and cultural studies, literary theory, and historiography. |
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الصفحة 125
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لقد وصلت إلى حد العرض المسموح لهذا الكتاب.
الصفحة 127
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لقد وصلت إلى حد العرض المسموح لهذا الكتاب.
9 | |
11 | |
19 | |
Heretical History Carlos Fuentess Theater of Memory | 54 |
Displacing the Official Record Ishmael Reeds Reinvention of Western History and Myth | 126 |
Between Political Commitment and Epistemological Skepticism Julio Cortazar and E L Doctorow | 194 |
Toward a Pedagogical Political Culture Historical Revisionism Fiction and Resistance in the Americas | 255 |
Conclusion | 283 |
Notes | 292 |
Bibliography | 336 |
Index | 355 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
aesthetic African African-American analysis artists authors Aztec Book of Daniel Book of Thoth Carlos Fuentes chapter characterized characters chronicles collage concept contemporary context critics discourse discussed dominant E. L. Doctorow Egyptian El Escorial Escorial essay forms Fuentes's Harding's Harlem Renaissance Hassan Hispanic historiographic metafiction Hurston Hutcheon Ibid ideological intellectual Ishmael Reed Jameson Jes Grew Julio Cortázar LaBas LaBas's Latin America legend Libro de Manuel literary literature McHale metaphor Mexico City mise en abyme modern motifs movement Mumbo Jumbo myth mythical Nahua narrative narrator Neo-HooDoo novel novelist origin Osiris Osiris's past perspective Pilgrim poetics political popular postmodern fiction Postmodernist present protagonist Quetzalcoatl radical reader reality Reed's refers reflection reflexive representation represented role seeks self-conscious self-reflexive Señor social Spain Spanish story tendency Terra Terra Nostra textual Theater of Memory theory tion tradition transformation University Press utopian vision voodoo World writing York
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 49 - effective" to the degree that it introduces discontinuity into our very being — as it divides our emotions, dramatizes our instincts, multiplies our body and sets it against itself. "Effective...
الصفحة 35 - Third-world texts — even those which are seemingly private and invested with a properly libidinal dynamic — necessarily project a political dimension in the form of national allegory: the story of the private individual destiny is always an allegory of the embattled situation of the public third-world culture and society.
الصفحة 41 - Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artefact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality.
الصفحة 129 - What's your beef with me Bo Shmo, what if I write circuses? No one says a novel has to be one thing. It can be anything it wants to be, a vaudeville show, the six o'clock news, the mumblings of wild men saddled by demons.
الصفحة 48 - ... in the most unpromising places, in what we tend to feel is without history — in sentiments, love, conscience, instincts; it must be sensitive to their recurrence, not in order to trace the gradual curve of their evolution, but to isolate the different scenes where they engaged in different roles.
الصفحة 147 - African people could ever become metaphysicians in the modern sense of the word. In the first place, no African language is suitable for giving expression to theological and philosophical speculations, and even an Egyptian priest of the highest intellectual attainments would have been unable to render a treatise of Aristotle into language which his brother priests without teaching could understand.
الصفحة 41 - A self-conscious novel is one that systematically flaunts its own condition of artifice and that by so doing probes into the problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality.
الصفحة 75 - If you can manage to save at least twelve thousand pesos, you can spend a year on nothing but your own work, which you've postponed and almost forgotten. Your great, inclusive work on the Spanish discoveries and conquests in the New World. A work that sums up all the scattered chronicles, makes them intelligible, and discovers the resemblances among all the undertakings and adventures of Spain's Golden Age, and all the human prototypes and major accomplishments of the Renaissance.