Public Administration & Public Management: The Principal-Agent PerspectiveRoutledge, 21/08/2006 - 304 من الصفحات A perspective on the public sector that presents a concise and comprehensive analysis of exactly what it is and how it operates. Governments in any society deliver a large number of services and goods to their populations. To get the job done, they need public management in order to steer resources – employees, money and laws – into policy outputs and outcomes. In well-ordered societies the teams who work for the state work under a rule-of-law framework, known as public administration. This book covers the key issues of:
Public Administration & Public Management is essential reading for those with professional and research interests in public administration and public management. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 75
... institutions of bureaucracy ( Macho - Stadler and Perez- Castrillo , 1997 ) . Managerialism : Private sector management tools have been recom- mended for the public sector ever since management was established as a subdiscipline of ...
... institutional decision - making . In addition there is meta - governance , where one reflects on the norms that all forms of governing must obey . Governance includes the process of arriving at agreements about the norms to guide the ...
... institution . When bureaucratic cohesiveness is high , then the bureaucracy may start running the country . Weber predicted that the complex modern society could not be run without the bureaucracy , but he was well aware of the dangers ...
... institutions of public administration , the agent would be tempted to shirk , delivering only 02. If the principal cannot correct this through monitoring , then he / she would be better off choos- ing W1 , 01. The agent promises one ...
... institutions which charac- terise well - ordered or well - functioning markets . Could one find something similar for the public sector ? When government puts into effect the above - mentioned reforms of NPM , then the impact may be a ...
29 | |
Public principals and their agents | 48 |
The economic reasons for government | 77 |
Public organisation incentives and rationality in government | 100 |
Micro rationality versus macro rationality | 106 |
arena and organisation | 113 |
legality and rule of law | 125 |
Separation of powers | 131 |
the relevance of social policy | 163 |
Public teams are different from private teams | 171 |
Public insurance | 212 |
What is public management policy? | 228 |
contracting in the public sector | 250 |
Bibliography | 263 |
Index | 280 |
228 | 286 |