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" This is the generation of that great "leviathan," or, rather, to speak more reverently, of that "mortal god," to which we owe, under the "immortal God, "
The Moral Life and Religion: A Study of Moral and Religious Personality - الصفحة 114
بواسطة James Ten Broeke - 1922 - عدد الصفحات: 244
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the Close of ...

George Burnett - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 548
...manner." This done, the multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Civitas. This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or...owe, under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the commonwealth, he hath the use of so...

Specimens of English prose-writers, from the earliest times to the ..., المجلد 3

George Burnett - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 556
...multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Chvtas. This is the generation o/ that great Leviathan, or rather (to speak more reverently)...owe, under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the commonwealth, he hath the use of so...

A Practical System of Rhetoric; Or, The Principles and Rules of Style ...

Samuel Phillips Newman - 1837 - عدد الصفحات: 334
...manner.' This done, the multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Civitas. This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or...that mortal God, to which we owe, under the immortal (iod, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the commonwealth,...

A Practical System of Rhetoric; Or, The Principles and Rules of Style ...

Samuel Phillips Newman - 1837 - عدد الصفحات: 334
...manner.' This done, the multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Civittw. This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or...that mortal God, to which we owe, under the immortal Coil, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by <>vcry particular man in the commonwealth,...

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, المجلد 3

Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 766
...manner. This done, the multitude so united in one person, js called a COMMONWEALTH, in Latin ci VITAS. <; This is the generation of that great LEVIATHAN, or...owe under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the commonwealth, he hath the use of so...

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, المجلد 3

Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 744
...manner. This done, the multitude so united in one person, is called a COMMONWEALTH, in Latin CIVITAS. This is the generation of that great LEVIATHAN, or...owe under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the commonwealth, he hath the use of so...

Christian Examiner and Theological Review, المجلد 29

1841 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...judgment. This done, the multitude so united in one person, is called a commonwealth, in Latin, Civitas. This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or...rather, to speak more reverently, of that mortal god, to whom we owe, under the immortal God, our peace and our defence. And in him consisteth the essence of...

A Practical System of Rhetoric, Or, The Principles and Rules of Style ...

Samuel Phillips Newman - 1842 - عدد الصفحات: 326
...multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Civitas. This is the generation of the great Leviathan, or rather (to speak more reverently)...owe, under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority, given him by every particular man in the Commonwealth, he hath the use of so...

The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, المجلد 13

1848 - عدد الصفحات: 614
...and it king of all the cJiildren of pride." — Leviathan, Pi. II., ch. xxviii. And, once more, — " This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or...owe under the Immortal God our peace and defence." — PL II., ch. xvii. Leviathan, in short, is the impersonation of absolute power. When this work was...

Eclectic Magazine, and Monthly Edition of the Living Age, المجلد 13

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1848 - عدد الصفحات: 610
...and is king of all the children of pride." — Leviathan, Pt. II., ch. xxviii. And, once more, — " This is the generation of that great Leviathan, or rather (to speak more reverently) of that mor'al God, to which we owe under the Immoftal God our peace and defence." — Pt II., ch. xvii. Leviathan,...

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